Top 2045 GLSL open source projects

501. ClothDesigner
No description, website, or topics provided.
502. TSRE5
Train Sim game engine and MSTS / OR editors and tools.
503. topodroid
TopoDroid code base
504. vulkan
Vulkan bindings for Nim
505. QmlExplorer
A Qt QML running environment and examples explorer app.
506. fae
An extensible 2D renderer for the web.
507. ProcessingSketches
abandoned collection of some of my Processing sketches
✭ 28
508. voxel-mesh-generation
Optimised voxel mesh generation, written in C# and open sourced from the Vercidium Engine.
✭ 55
509. SampleCode GPUImage2 Usage
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 17
510. global game jam 2018
Source code for the 2018 Global Game Jam 48-hour project
✭ 12
511. talks
No description, website, or topics provided.
512. ProcessingStuff
Various pretty-ish Processing sketches by Odditica. About 50% shaders.
513. CustomImagePicker-Example
iOS image picker example based on PHImageManager
514. shadertrixx
CNLohr's repo for his Unity assets and other shader notes.
515. Stack3D
The fastest method of Sprite Stacking in Gamemaker!
516. radome
Dome mapping software for live interactive fulldome visualizations with consumer projectors.
518. libgdx-template
🎮 Starter project for libGDX. Perfect for Game Jams.
520. tricolors
TRICOLORS: a puzzle game
521. visualizer2
OpenGL Audio Visualizers in Rust
522. cpp-graduate
Code samples for C++ graduate course (iLab at MIPT)
523. face3d
No description, website, or topics provided.
524. cocos2dx-shaders
Example shaders for Cocos2d-X
✭ 17
526. particles-danseJS
Particles danse is an interactive audio experiment using Three and WebGL, based on the song Halcyion from Gramatik. 🎵
528. arcore-cloud-anchors
Sample code for the ARCore Cloud Anchors Codelab
✭ 23
529. Practicas kivy espanol
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 22
530. gear-vr-leap-unity
Workaround in Unity to use Leap Motion Controller with Gear VR (or any other headset that doesn't support it)
✭ 48
531. unity-pixel-palettemap
Pixel Palettemap "palettizes" textures, allowing them to be used with a shader for alternate color schemes and palette swapping.
✭ 62
532. cesium-graph
533. godot-noise-texture-asset
Asset containing fast noise texture generators implemented as shaders
534. ohcount4j
Line counting and language identification tool
535. HelixEngine
3D RPG engine inspired by early NDS Pokemon games built with libGDX
536. interactive-hex-meshing
Source code for "Interactive All-Hex Meshing via Cuboid Decomposition [SIGGRAPH Asia 2021]".
✭ 126
537. four
💎 A 4-dimensional renderer.
✭ 101
538. urchinEngine
Game engine library: 3D, Physics, Sound, Network, IA, Map Editor
539. LBA2HD
Rendering Citadel Island in Unity
540. OpenGLESTessellation
Sample demonstrating the use of tessellation shaders with OpenGLES
541. terebi
A simple library to handle pixel-perfect scaling of window content in Love2D.
542. pancake
Easy to use library for making simple 2D pixel games with blazing speed!
✭ 15
543. Brush-Mesh-Tool
A plugin to painting meshes over objects or terrains in Godot Engine
544. kalman-ios
Quaternion error-state EKF for attitude sensing on iOS
545. crystal-gl
OpenGL bindings for the Crystal language
546. bqplot-image-gl
Jupyter widget for displaying images with a focus on astronomy
547. retropie-crt-tvout
set of configurations to get a picture as close to real hardware as possible with the built-in composite tv-out of the raspberry pi
✭ 45
548. firefly
Firefly is a cross-platform game engine built in C++ and GLFW.
✭ 19
549. Romeo.jl
3D visualizations and editing in Julia + OpenGL
✭ 18
550. volrend
PlenOctree Volume Rendering (supports CUDA & fragment shader backends)