GgGo Graphics - 2D rendering in Go with a simple API.
TypographyC# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont / CFF / woff / woff2) , Glyphs Layout and Rendering
Sheepit ClientClient for the free and distributed render farm "SheepIt Render Farm"
Polymer🎨 graphics + interaction engine
Render PyA software 3D renderer written in Python. (Purely educational)
Lugdunum[UNMAINTAINED] A modern cross-platform 3D engine built with Vulkan, glTF 2.0 and modern C++14.
Datoviz⚡ High-performance GPU interactive scientific data visualization with Vulkan
FlamencoFree and Open Source render manager.
SsrReact Server-Side Rendering Example
Asm DomA minimal WebAssembly virtual DOM to build C++ SPA (Single page applications)
YaveYet Another Vulkan Engine
PicassoPicasso is a high quality 2D vector graphic rendering library. It support path , matrix , gradient , pattern , image and truetype font.
CsharpmathLaTeX. in C#. (ported from the wonderful iosMath project).
Python RaytracerA basic Ray Tracer that exploits numpy arrays and functions to work fast.
StereokitAn easy-to-use mixed reality library for building HoloLens and VR applications with C# and OpenXR!
Ogrescene-oriented, flexible 3D engine (C++, Python, C#, Java)
Armory3D Engine with Blender Integration
VxrGeneral purpose engine written in C++ with emphasis on materials rendering (PBR, clear coat, anisotropy, iridescence)
EucA software rendering crate that lets you write shaders with Rust
SsrtReal-time indirect diffuse illuminaton using screen-space information for Unity.
DssDifferentiable Surface Splatting
FluxA real-time physically based rendering engine written in C++ and OpenGL
TinykaboomA brief computer graphics / rendering course
Media WatermarkGPU/CPU-based iOS Watermark Library for Image and Video Overlay
Elm 3d SceneA high-level 3D rendering engine for Elm, with support for lighting, shadows, and realistic materials.
BcdBayesian Collaborative Denoiser for Monte Carlo Rendering
Dagon3D game engine for D
RazModern & multiplatform game engine in C++17
React Tv[ Unmaintained due to raphamorim/react-ape ] React Renderer for low memory applications
Practical Path GuidingImplementation of the research paper "Practical Path Guiding for Efficient Light-Transport Simulation" + improvements
TangramWebGL map rendering engine for creative cartography
SharpbgfxC# bindings for the bgfx graphics library
WechartCreate all the [ch]arts by cax or three.js - Cax 和 three.js 创造一切图[表]
GimageA PHP library for easy image handling. 🖼
AppleseedA modern open source rendering engine for animation and visual effects
SvglibRead SVG files and convert them to other formats.
DiligentengineA modern cross-platform low-level graphics library and rendering framework
JeelizglassesvtowidgetJavaScript/WebGL glasses virtual try on widget. Real time webcam experience, robust to all lighting conditions, high end 3D PBR rendering, easy to integrate, fallback to server-side rendering
Skia Wasm PortPort of the Skia drawing library to wasm, for use in javascript (node & browser)