Pmfx ShaderCross platform shader system for HLSL, GLSL, Metal and SPIR-V.
ShaderedLightweight, cross-platform & full-featured shader IDE
Partikel accelleration on gpuParticle accelleration with OpenGL 4.3, using the compute shader to calculate particle movement on graphics hardware.
Jsturbo.js - perform massive parallel computations in your browser with GPGPU.
Glsl FxaaFXAA implementation for glslify in WebGL
Frontend BoilerplateAn ES20XX starter with common frontend tasks using Webpack 4 as module bundler and npm scripts as task runner.
Gamestarter🎮 Retrogaming kodi add-on repository for LibreELEC
Bsnes Hdbsnes fork that adds HD video features
UnityUnity Resource Pack [Vanilla Minecraft Only]
Gl Reactgl-react – React library to write and compose WebGL shaders
Magicshader🔮 Tiny helper for three.js to debug and write shaders
GlslviewerConsole-based GLSL Sandbox for 2D/3D shaders shaders
Glmark2glmark2 is an OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0 benchmark
InviwoInviwo - Interactive Visualization Workshop
PossumwoodPossumwood is a graph-based procedural authoring tool, in concept not dissimilar to popular CG packages like Houdini, Blender or Maya. It is intended to serve as a sandbox for computer graphics algorithms and libraries, providing a user-friendly and coding-free UI for libraries that would otherwise be inaccessible for an average user.
NomansscannerA Depth-based Image Effect recreating the Topographic Scanner of No Man's Sky.
Vim GlslVim runtime files for OpenGL Shading Language
VarjoLisp to GLSL Language Translator
Glsl Noisewebgl-noise shaders ported to work with glslify
MetaballsUnity 3D implementation of metaballs and marching cubes algorithm
Hsva UnityA Hue Saturation Value adjustment shader for Unity. Useful for making lots of character colors.
React ReglReact Fiber Reconciler Renderer for Regl WebGL
Spirv VmVirtual machine for executing SPIR-V
Gpu.jsGPU Accelerated JavaScript
FragmentLive Code Graphics via GLSL Fragment Shaders
Sparkle🎇 A modern particle engine running on GPU, using c++14 and OpenGL 4.4.
Starwars.androidThis component implements transition animation to crumble view into tiny pieces.
GaiaskyMirror of Gaia Sky repository hosted on Gitlab:
SoicbiteA compact PCB footprint which allows SOIC test clips to be used as a space-efficient programming and debugging connector
GraphiteA parallel, distributed simulator for multicores.
Glsl GodraysThis module implements a volumetric light scattering effect(godrays)
GlslVSIX Project that provides GLSL language integration.
ReshadeA generic post-processing injector for games and video software.
ProcessingstuffVarious pretty-ish Processing sketches by Blokatt. About 50% shaders. is an online editor for One tweet shader, with gif generator and sound shader, and broadcast live coding.
WombatAn efficient texture-free GLSL procedural noise library
Retrace.glCreate, ray trace & export programatically defined Signed Distance Function CSG geometries with an API suited for generative art - in your browser! 🎉
GlslangKhronos-reference front end for GLSL/ESSL, partial front end for HLSL, and a SPIR-V generator.
FsynthWeb-based and pixels-based collaborative synthesizer