Top 709 haxe open source projects

251. peerhx
peerjs library bindings for Haxe.
252. ts2hx
Typescript external definitions to haxe converter
✭ 76
253. git-cache-http-server
A caching Git HTTP server
254. TilesheetStage3D
Ported to Haxe 3/OpenFL
✭ 12
255. AutoTerrainGen
Generate terrain maps for Tiled by providing 2 or more tilesets
256. pycodin
A QEMU based framework for instrumenting x86 programs from Python
257. sfgml
A Haxe » GML compiler
258. HaxeBuilder
HaxeBuilder is tool that tries to implement live reloading feature for flash target of Haxe/AS3 projects.
✭ 23
259. doom
Virtual Dom Library for Haxe
261. ithril
Templates for haxe. Compiles to HTML or Mithril views.
✭ 13
264. logipar
Parse logic strings with javascript, python, or php
265. lex
Build lexer and simple parser(LR0) in macro, It also provides a lexer tool for c language
266. tiled
Tiled TMX import for HaxePunk
267. qemu-6502
Qemu support for target processor 6502
268. MemoryGame
An example of a simple Memory Game (match pairs) developed in openFL (Flash & HTMl5), createJS (javascript) and pixiJS (javascript)
269. jellyPhysics
Haxe soft body physics engine.
✭ 15
270. ModdingPlus
No description, website, or topics provided.
271. mcover
A cross platform code coverage framework for Haxe with testing and profiling applications. Supports AVM1, AVM2, JavaScript, C++, PHP and Neko.
✭ 55
272. HypFacebook
HypFacebook : Facebook native extension for Haxe NME
273. webidl
Haxe support for WebIDL
✭ 86
274. Twinspire
Twinspire is a Kha-based game engine using Haxe.
275. haxe-starling
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 23
276. haxe-phaser3
Phaser3 bindings for Haxe.
✭ 19
277. FDT-Haxe-project-templates
FDT 5 and FDT 5.5 Haxe/NME project-templates
✭ 16
278. gluon
WebGL implementation for hxcpp
✭ 20
280. nginx-haxe
Haxe externs for the Nginx lua module api
✭ 14
281. Mustache.hx
Logic-less template mustache for Haxe
✭ 13
282. samcodes-ads-demo
💵 Demonstrates Haxe/OpenFL bindings for Chartboost ads haxelib
283. duell
The Duell Tool is a command line tool for setting up, building and running applications on any platform.
✭ 40
284. rvmi-qemu
QEMU with rVMI extensions
285. vocally
A friendly wrapper around the Web Speech API (VoiceRecognition and VoiceSynthesis) for JavaScript.
✭ 14
286. haxe-formatter
Haxe code formatter based on tokentree
287. andromeda-engine
workin' on an FNF engine as an alternative to other engines
288. haxe-chart
Externs of Chart.js for Haxe
289. haxe-overload
Haxe macro library to support overloaded functions.
✭ 17
290. xapi
Ximple API is a high level API for haXe backends
✭ 15
291. Kha2DRaycasting
2D raycasting in kha
292. kha-examples
kha examples - for new users
295. hxjsonast
Parse JSON into position-aware AST with Haxe!
296. cosy
A simple and pleasant programming language.
297. extension-harfbuzz
Native Harfbuzz based OpenFL extension for text rendering
300. Hutch
Starling and Pixi merged in a Haxe Framework