Top 578 nim open source projects

301. ast-pattern-matching
A library to do pattern matching on the AST in the Nim programming language.
✭ 82
302. cs2nim
No description, website, or topics provided.
303. elvis
truthy, ternary, elvis and conditional assignment and conditional access operators for nim
304. nim-benchmarksgame
Collection of Nim implementations for The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
✭ 27
305. mosh
turn raw data into audio
✭ 20
306. Mero
Kernel in nim
307. slicerator
A simple iterator library to enable more efficient iterators
✭ 22
308. HiCS
Efficient multivariate correlation measure / high contrast subspace miner.
✭ 18
309. nimib
nimib 🐳 - nim 👑 driven ⛵ publishing ✍
310. klib.nim
Experimental getopt, gzip reader, FASTA/Q parser and interval queries in nim-lang
311. godot-size-benchmarks
Benchmarks to compare Godot binary sizes with different build-time options
312. ponim
Nim + Python + Poetry = :)
313. serial.nim
A Nim library for accessing serial ports.
314. NimContracts
Nim Language design by contract (DbC) library.
315. nim-dbus
libdbus binding for Nim
✭ 18
316. dali
Indie assembler/linker for Dalvik VM .dex & .apk files (Work In Progress)
317. easygl
a typesafe opengl wrapper for the nim language
✭ 67
318. rainbow
🌈 256-color support for console outputs
✭ 25
319. unofficial-webapp-office-poc1
Access all of your favorite Office 365 apps from Linux
320. timezones
Nim timezone library compatible with the standard library.
321. msgpack-nim
A MassagePack binding for Nim /[Nim]
322. paranim
A Nim game library
✭ 78
323. criterion.nim
Statistic-driven micro-benchmark framework
✭ 34
324. godotnim-samples
Dodge the Creeps and Conways Game of Life in Godot, and Nim!
✭ 19
325. beacon-fuzz
Differential Fuzzer for Ethereum 2.0
327. nim-noise
Nim implementation of linenoise command line editor
328. questionable
Elegant optional types for Nim
✭ 44
329. print
Print is a set of pretty print macros, useful for print-debugging.
✭ 79
330. nim-waku
Waku node and protocol.
✭ 69
332. q.nim
Query HTML/XML elements using a CSS3 or jQuery-like selector syntax
✭ 50
333. trick
Library for GBA/NDS image conversion, and more!
336. freccia
Apache Arrow implementation in Nim
✭ 16
338. easywave
Easy WAVE file handling for Nim
339. nimcl
High level wrapper over OpenCL
✭ 16
340. gen
Simple scaffolding tool for WEB / GUI / CLI apps written in Nim Lang
342. product-packager
A portable shell program to package and prepare courses, tutorial series, and other products to release on e-commerce platforms like Gumroad and Mavenseed.
343. hmac.nim
HMAC-SHA1 and HMAC-MD5 hashing in Nim
344. nimdbx
Fast persistent key-value store for Nim, based on libmdbx
345. NimUnits
Statically-typed quantity units library for Nim language.
✭ 22
346. paramidi
A Nim data -> music library
✭ 61
347. nim-ludens
Little game library written in Nim (Nimrod) using opengl and sfml
✭ 17
348. grim
grim brings property graphs to the Nim language. Look around you: everything is a graph!
349. nim-blscurve
Nim implementation of BLS signature scheme (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) over Barreto-Lynn-Scott (BLS) curve BLS12-381
350. vulkan
Nim bindings for Vulkan, the API for access to graphics and compute on GPUs.
✭ 50