Top 593 Svelte open source projects

301. better-emby-server
306. obsidian-livesync
No description, website, or topics provided.
307. sveltekit-typescript-tailwindcss-template
No description, website, or topics provided.
308. sveltekit-starter
No description, website, or topics provided.
310. svelte-micro
Light & reactive one-component router for Svelte
311. mailwhale
🐳 A bring-your-own-SMTP-server mail relay with REST API and web UI
312. instaddict
💊  How addicted are you to Instagram?
313. svelte-ts-template
Typescript template for Svelte v3
314. baambook
The baambook is an application to share QR codes to other people using live sharing sessions.
315. ElectroBlocks
This is an Arduino simulator that allows you to code with a drag and drop language called Blockly.
316. svql
FetchQL wrapper for Svelte 3
317. ui-pager
Pager / Carousel component that allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data.
319. svelte-crossword
Crossword component for Svelte
323. svelte-parallax
a (small) spring-based parallax component library for Svelte
325. bob-ross-art-gallery
🖼 A visual, virtual tour of The Joy of Painting, by Bob Ross.
328. terraforge
Graphical Terraform configuration generator
329. Installer
A simple standalone program which automates the installation, removal and maintenance of BetterDiscord.
330. censorship-in-iran
No description, website, or topics provided.
332. cakcuk
A Command Bot Interface builder, CLI-based to easily create your CLI commands for your Workspace
333. Svelte-Tailwind
Setting up Tailwind CSS in a Svelte project
334. SvelteBulma
Svelte plus Bulma Project trying to show working example
337. web
The source code for the frontend.
338. gancio
a shared agenda for local communities (with activitypub support)
340. emojimix
🤖 emojimix implemented in Svelte 🤖
341. divvunspell
Spell checking library for ZHFST/BHFST spellers, with case handling and tokenization support. (Spell checking derived from hfst-ospell)
342. stm-serial-flasher
Web App for flashing STM microcontrollers (STM8 and STM32) over serial port using the embedded ROM bootloader.
343. sveltetron-9000
SvelteKit starter template with configurations for TailwindCSS, Storybook, Typescript, Sass and more!
345. experiment-snowpack-svelte-hmr
Experimenting with Svelte HMR over Snowpack
346. svelte-kit-blog-demo
A demo of a markdown based blog with SvelteKit, deployed to Github Pages.
347. frontendmentor challenges
frontend mentor challenges solution repo
348. svelte-multiselect
Keyboard-friendly, accessible and highly customizable multi-select component
349. cusdis
lightweight, privacy-friendly alternative to Disqus.
350. glam
Mozilla's primary interactive dashboard for examining the distribution of telemetry values.