Top 2826 Vim Script open source projects

751. nvimrc
My Neovim configuration. Supports macOS and Linux.
752. wombat256grf
Modified wombat color scheme for vim
754. fogbell.vim
No description or website provided.
755. jummidark.vim
A Vim/NeoVim syntax and UI (term and GUI) colortheme that supports native statuslines
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756. vimfiles
Lokaltog's awesome vim configuration. Not maintained anymore, as I've switched to emacs+evil.
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757. systemverilog.vim
SystemVerilog vim scripts
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758. vim-airline-colornum
Cursor line number color = Airline mode color
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759. git-nerdtree
NERDTree with git status support (DEPRECATED)
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760. slowdown.vim
Slows down vim
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761. ienv
Improved shell environment: sane dotfiles backed by my daily work optimized for solarized theme
762. substitute.nvim
Neovim plugin introducing a new operators motions to quickly replace and exchange text.
763. vim-vagrant
basic vim/vagrant integration
764. distilled-vim
dark vim colorscheme with no code syntax highlighting
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765. vim-printer
Quickly print/log the variable in your favourite language
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766. cs537
Introduction to Operating Systems
767. vim-lotr
Lord of the Registers
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769. bufstop
Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
770. dotfiles
💻 My dotfiles for Linux, macOS
771. EasyMotion
Vim motions on speed!
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772. nvim-ts-autotag
Use treesitter to auto close and auto rename html tag
773. bespin
Unofficial mirror of
776. birds-of-paradise.vim
Birds of Paradise color scheme for Vim
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777. autocomplete-flow
Neovim and vim Flow autocompletion for deoplete + neosnippet
778. developer-tools
779. home
My home directory's settings
780. vim-htmldjango omnicomplete
htmldjango filetype omnicomplete - completes template tags/filters/variables
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781. applescript.vim
Syntax highlighting for AppleScript
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782. vim-ide
.vim directory to turn VIM into light-weight IDE
783. iferr
Generate "if err != nil {" block
785. rwloadsim
RWP*Load Simulator - your tool for scripting, simulation and much more. Like having a bit of bash and SQL, a nip of C or Java, a dash of awk, a grain of sed plus drops of secret sauce in one single tool. See for the announcement on the Oracle database blog.
786. nginx-1.16.0
学习nginx架构设计与实现,翻译nginx的源码,写nginx的测试代码, 在issue中记录nginx的精妙设计及其常见问题 。 myexercise内存池、哈希表、链表、md5、crc测试代码,mymodule中有hello自定义模块代码。通过nginx将自己整个知识体系连接起来
787. bats.vim
Syntax highlighting for Bats - Bash Automated Testing System
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790. vim-tmuxlike
A vim plugin that mimics the actions of tmux. 像操作Tmux一样操作Vim
791. vim-ormolu
Plugin for formatting Haskell source code
792. Visual-Mark
Visual mark, similar to UltraEdit's bookmark
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794. mpi
minimal (n)vim plugins - icons (Under 200 LOC)
795. hex.vim
nifty functions for your Elixir Hex dependencies
798. kali
Custom Kali Linux
799. home
My home directory, versioned. This includes my dotfiles, vim configuration, and a few other utilities.
751-800 of 2826 Vim Script projects