All Git Users → 1000ch

25 open source projects by 1000ch

1. Whale
Unofficial Trello app 🐳
2. Gulp Image
Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with gulp task.
3. Lazyload Image
HTMLImageElement extension for lazy loading.
4. Grunt Image
Optimize PNG, JPEG, GIF, SVG images with grunt task.
5. Grd
A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
6. Atom Stylefmt
Format your CSS using stylefmt.
7. Simplehttp2server
simplehttp2server wrapper that makes it seamlessly available as a local dependency
✭ 15
8. Switch Element
Switch UI Element like iOS
✭ 14
9. Atom Svgo
Minify SVG with SVGO.
10. Srcset Image
Polyfill for srcset feature as Web Components.
11. Webcomponents Sandbox
Web Components sandbox
✭ 17
13. node-github-markdown
Parse GitHub flavored markdown to static html.
15. syntax-highlight
Code syntax highlight element.
✭ 28
16. grd-sass
Sass port of 1000ch/grd that is a CSS grid framework using Flexbox.
17. position-sticky
Polyfill for position: sticky;.
18. chrome-extension-hands-on
Chrome Extension Hands-on!
✭ 55
19. input-suggest
Show suggestions when you input.
20. lazyload
Minimal lazy image loader.
21. rog
Retrieve open graph data from passing URL.
22. reachable-urls
Check URLs are reachable in text 🕵️
23. quail
Unofficial but officially accepted esa app 🐦
24. emoji-workflow
Alfred workflow for Emoji.
✭ 18
25. x-notification
Declarative Browser Notification as Web Components.
1-25 of 25 user projects