All Git Users → DataDog

68 open source projects by DataDog

1. Dd Trace Go
A Go tracing package for Datadog APM
2. Datadog Go
go dogstatsd client library for datadog
3. Datadog Serverless Functions
Repo of AWS Lambda and Azure Functions functions that process streams and send data to Datadog
✭ 230
5. Ansible Datadog
Ansible role for Datadog Agent
6. Dd Trace Py
Datadog Python APM Client
9. Dd Trace Php
Datadog Tracing PHP Client
10. Pupernetes
Spin up a full fledged Kubernetes environment designed for local development & CI
11. Go Python3
Go bindings to the CPython-3 API
12. Documentation
The source for Datadog's documentation site.
13. Java Dogstatsd Client
a java statsd client library
14. Dogstatsd Ruby
A Ruby client for DogStatsd
✭ 124
16. Kvexpress
Go program to move data in and out of Consul's KV store.
✭ 121
17. Integrations Extras
Community developed integrations and plugins for the Datadog Agent.
✭ 120
18. Dd Trace Rb
Datadog Tracing Ruby Client
19. Miscellany
Miscellaneous scripts and tools
✭ 112
20. Docker Compose Example
A working example of using Docker Compose with Datadog
✭ 93
21. Chef Datadog
Chef cookbook for Datadog Agent & Integrations
22. Redux Doghouse
Scoping helpers for building reusable components with Redux
✭ 89
23. Datadog Operator
Datadog Agent Kubernetes Operator
24. Dogapi Rb
Ruby client for Datadog's API
✭ 81
25. Piecewise
Functions for piecewise regression on time series data
✭ 81
26. Dd Agent
Datadog Agent Version 5
27. Browser Sdk
Browser SDK
✭ 79
28. Jmxfetch
Export JMX metrics
✭ 77
29. Glommio
Glommio is a thread-per-core framework that aims to make the task of writing highly parallel asynchronous application in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans
✭ 1,123
31. Trace Examples
trace sample apps
✭ 43
32. Dd Opentracing Cpp
Datadog Opentracing C++ Client
33. Go Profiler Notes
felixge's notes on the various go profiling methods that are available.
34. Zstd
Zstd wrapper for Go
✭ 518
35. Integrations Core
Core integrations of the Datadog Agent
36. The Monitor
Markdown files for Datadog's long-form blog posts:
✭ 495
37. Datadogpy
The Datadog Python library
✭ 428
39. Kafka Kit
Kafka storage rebalancing, automated replication throttle, cluster API and more
40. Docker Dd Agent
Datadog Agent Dockerfile for Trusted Builds.
✭ 288
41. temporalite
An experimental distribution of Temporal that runs as a single process
✭ 143
43. opencensus-go-exporter-datadog
Datadog exporter for OpenCensus metrics
✭ 45
44. dd-sdk-ios
Datadog SDK for iOS - Swift and Objective-C.
45. mkdocs-click
An MkDocs extension to generate documentation for Click command line applications
46. ecommerce-workshop
Example eCommerce App for workshops and observability
48. heroku-buildpack-datadog
Heroku Buildpack to run the Datadog Agent in a Dyno
✭ 59
49. dogstatsd-csharp-client
A DogStatsD client for C#/.NET
50. php-datadogstatsd
A PHP client for DogStatsd
✭ 170
1-50 of 68 user projects