Keybase Gpg GithubStep-by-step guide on how to create a GPG key on, adding it to a local GPG setup and using it with Git and GitHub.
Git Secret👥 A bash-tool to store your private data inside a git repository.
YadmYet Another Dotfiles Manager
Lumail A console-based mail-client with integrated Lua scripting support.
Libmacgpg FreeA drop-in replacement for GPGTools libmacgpg that disables the paywall (free MacGPG)
MagicpadMagicPad is an encryption suite for beginners. It is designed to be run standalone via the browser or executable (Electron).
AuthorizerAuthorizer is a Password Manager for Android. It emulates an HID keyboard over USB and enters your credentials on your target device. Additionally it supports OTP 🔑📴
Yubikey Touch DetectorA tool to detect when your YubiKey is waiting for a touch (to send notification or display a visual indicator on the screen)
Bouncy GpgMake using Bouncy Castle with OpenPGP fun again!
Git Remote S3Push and pull git repos to/from an s3 bucket, encrypted using gpg.
Gopass Uigopass CLI + UI = visual cross-platform password manager for teams
Clishare secrets within teams to avoid plain-text secrets from day one
ZeyplePostfix filter/hook to automatically encrypt outgoing emails with PGP/GPG
Pwd.shGPG symmetric password manager
KapitanGeneric templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things
Mailserver⚠️ UNMAINTAINED - Simple and full-featured mail server using Docker
PiusPGP Individual User Signer
Easy Gpg To Papereasy-gpg-to-paper aims to make exporting your secret gpg key to paper, and then restoring from paper, an easy and painless process.
GpgitA shell script that automates the process of signing Git sources via GPG
MinisignA dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures.
Dropsopmsg p2p transport network
Gpg EncryptUse GPG to encrypt a file using our best settings
GpgA client to gpg-agent for Go
PrivatekeyvaultMake Instructions: Airgapped raspberry pi computer for working with blockchains featuring LUKS full disk encryption and using qr-codes to pass encrypted files and offline transaction instructions across the airgap.
Probot GpgA GitHub App that enforces GPG signatures on pull requests (no longer maintained)
QtpassQtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password manager.
Opmsgopmsg message encryption
KubesecSecure Secret management for Kubernetes (with gpg, Google Cloud KMS and AWS KMS backends)
LimnoriaA robust, full-featured, and user/programmer-friendly Python IRC bot, with many existing plugins. Successor of the well-known Supybot.
AstroidA graphical threads-with-tags style, lightweight and fast, e-mail client for Notmuch
GopassThe slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams
ThgtoaThe Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity
PurseGPG asymmetric (YubiKey) password manager
Gpgsync🔒 GPG Sync is designed to let users always have up-to-date public keys for other members of their organization
pinentry-touchidCustom GPG pinentry program for macOS that allows using Touch ID for fetching the password from the macOS keychain.
iceshelfA simple tool to allow storage of signed, encrypted, incremental backups using Amazon's Glacier storage
KeyManagerAndroid application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin.
piv-agentAn SSH and GPG agent which you can use with your PIV hardware security device (e.g. a Yubikey).
docker-mail-serverAnsible playbooks to deploy a full featured mail server stack using Docker.
covertAn encryption format offering better security, performance and ease of use than PGP. File a bug if you found anything where we are worse than our competition, and we will fix it.
pgpainlessSimple to use OpenPGP API based on Bouncy Castle
prs🔐 A secure, fast & convenient password manager CLI using GPG and git to sync.
aws-profile-gpg🔐 ☁️ Run aws-cli commands using IAM Access Keys stored in a GPG-encrypted credentials file
VSHGA standalone addon for GnuPG
airgapOffline LiveUSB to generate and manage secret keys for things such as gpg, certificates, and cryptocurrency
dotfiles🏡 Personal dotfiles configuration