All Git Users → JamieMason

13 open source projects by JamieMason

2. Karma Benchmark
A Karma plugin to run Benchmark.js over multiple browsers with CI compatible output.
3. with ES Modules support and Hot Reloading
4. Shrinkpack
Fast, resilient, reproducible builds with npm install.
5. Jasmine Matchers
Write Beautiful Specs with Custom Matchers for Jest and Jasmine
6. Grunt Imageoptim
Make ImageOptim, ImageAlpha and JPEGmini part of your automated build process
✭ 486
7. Syncpack
Manage multiple package.json files, such as in Lerna Monorepos and Yarn/Pnpm Workspaces
10. custom-linkedin-cv
LinkedIn profile JSON + AngularJS == Custom Résumé
11. karma-nested-reporter
Easy to read test output with nested describe and it blocks
13. Unreadable
An intelligent/CSS-aware HTML Minifier and Optimizer
1-13 of 13 user projects