Top 126 flow open source projects

2. Kpermissions
A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android.
3. Decoders
Elegant validation library for type-safe input data (for TypeScript and Flow)
4. Books jetpack
A sample application to demonstrate how to use Jetpack Architecture Components in an Android Application following the Clean Architecture concepts.
5. Babel Plugin React Flow Props To Prop Types
Convert Flow React props annotation to PropTypes
6. Nodeeditorwinforms
Node based user control / editor for Windows Forms
7. Flow Web X
Simple web with Vue
8. Vworkflows
Flow Visualization Library for JavaFX and VRL-Studio
9. Office365dev
《Office 365 开发入门指南》,本书已经于2018年9月份由北京大学出版社上市发行,可以通过 进行购买。配套视频教程于2019年2月在网易云课堂上架,你可以通过 参加学习,教程相关的参考资料、范例代码、相关链接,请访问
10. Flow
Flow is a Swift library for working with asynchronous flows and life cycles
14. Sfdx Mass Action Scheduler
🚀 Declaratively schedule Process Builder, Flows, Quick Actions, Email Alerts, Workflow Rules, or Apex to process records from Reports, List Views, SOQL, or Apex.
15. Phpflo
Flow-based programming for PHP
16. Mvvmtemplate
An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
18. Compileflow
core business process engine of Alibaba Halo platform. best engine for trade Scenes
19. Threejs Path Flow
🐬🐟 ↶Mesh Deformation / Bending / Following on a Curve
20. Coroutines Flows Modularised
Clean Architecture Modular Project: MVVM + Coroutines+ Flows + Dagger2 + LiveData + UnitTests + UITests + MockWebServer
21. Streamsupport
Backport of Java 8/9 API to Java 6/7 and Android. Moved from
23. Babel Plugin Flow To Typescript
Babel plugin to convert Flow code into TypeScript
26. Flowiz
Converts Optical Flow files to images and optionally compiles them to a video. Flow viewer GUI is also available. Check out mockup right from Github Pages:
27. Javafbp
Java Implementation of Flow-Based Programming (FBP)
28. Cocktailapp
Cocktails Android App with Clean Architecture, MVVM , Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Components , Room, Dagger Hilt, Cache Strategy and Coroutines Flow
30. Flow Cli
The Flow CLI is a command-line interface that provides useful utilities for building Flow applications
31. Awesome Flow
A list of awesome Flow integrations, tools, tutorials, etc.
32. Covid19 Notifier In
A sample Android App which notifies about COVID19 cases in 🇮🇳India after every 1 hour.
33. Flow Go
A fast, secure, and developer-friendly blockchain built to support the next generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them.
34. Flowmarbles
Interactive diagrams of Kotlin Flow
35. Node Flowtype Boilerplate
This boilerplate repository is outdated and no longer maintained. Instead, I strongly recommend to use TypeScript.
36. Arcgis Js Cli
CLI to build a template application and widgets using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript
37. Flow Dashboard
A goal, task & habit tracker + personal dashboard to focus on what matters
39. Refactored Umbrella
Example of Flow + LiveData w/ Room as single source of truth for data in an MVVM architecture
40. Vim Js
💯The most accurate syntax highlighting plugin for JavaScript and Flow.js
41. Kitty Items
Based on CryptoKitties, Kitty Items is an example of a full-stack dapp built on Flow.
42. Predicateflow
Write amazing, strong-typed and easy-to-read NSPredicate.
43. Css Modules Flow Types
Creates flow type definitions from CSS Modules files using Webpack loader or CLI 👾
44. Flower
TCP flow analyzer with sugar for A/D CTF
45. React Redux Saucepan
A minimal and universal react redux starter project. With hot reloading, linting and server-side rendering
46. Flow Mono Cli
A command line interface that aims to solve a few issues while working with flow typed codebases in a mono-repo.
48. Swiftlinkpreview
It makes a preview from an URL, grabbing all the information such as title, relevant texts and images.
49. Deps Report
Generate reports about dependencies and dependents of your JavaScript/TypeScript files through an AST. It supports import and require statements.
50. Reactnativelaravellogin
Sample App for login using laravel 5.5 React Native and Redux
1-50 of 126 flow projects