All Git Users → lucidrains

67 open source projects by lucidrains

1. X Transformers
A simple but complete full-attention transformer with a set of promising experimental features from various papers
2. Dalle Pytorch
Implementation / replication of DALL-E, OpenAI's Text to Image Transformer, in Pytorch
3. Linear Attention Transformer
Transformer based on a variant of attention that is linear complexity in respect to sequence length
5. Transformer In Transformer
Implementation of Transformer in Transformer, pixel level attention paired with patch level attention for image classification, in Pytorch
6. Siren Pytorch
Pytorch implementation of SIREN - Implicit Neural Representations with Periodic Activation Function
8. Stylegan2 Pytorch
Simplest working implementation of Stylegan2, state of the art generative adversarial network, in Pytorch. Enabling everyone to experience disentanglement
9. Sinkhorn Transformer
Sinkhorn Transformer - Practical implementation of Sparse Sinkhorn Attention
11. Perceiver Pytorch
Implementation of Perceiver, General Perception with Iterative Attention, in Pytorch
12. Pixel Level Contrastive Learning
Implementation of Pixel-level Contrastive Learning, proposed in the paper "Propagate Yourself", in Pytorch
13. Lambda Networks
Implementation of LambdaNetworks, a new approach to image recognition that reaches SOTA with less compute
14. Unet Stylegan2
A Pytorch implementation of Stylegan2 with UNet Discriminator
16. Conformer
Implementation of the convolutional module from the Conformer paper, for use in Transformers
17. Se3 Transformer Pytorch
Implementation of SE3-Transformers for Equivariant Self-Attention, in Pytorch. This specific repository is geared towards integration with eventual Alphafold2 replication.
18. Mixture Of Experts
A Pytorch implementation of Sparsely-Gated Mixture of Experts, for massively increasing the parameter count of language models
19. Global Self Attention Network
A Pytorch implementation of Global Self-Attention Network, a fully-attention backbone for vision tasks
20. Contrastive Learner
A simple to use pytorch wrapper for contrastive self-supervised learning on any neural network
21. Isab Pytorch
An implementation of (Induced) Set Attention Block, from the Set Transformers paper
22. Byol Pytorch
Usable Implementation of "Bootstrap Your Own Latent" self-supervised learning, from Deepmind, in Pytorch
23. Big Sleep
A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN
24. Deep Daze
Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network)
25. Performer Pytorch
An implementation of Performer, a linear attention-based transformer, in Pytorch
26. Lightweight Gan
Implementation of 'lightweight' GAN, proposed in ICLR 2021, in Pytorch. High resolution image generations that can be trained within a day or two
28. Alphafold2
To eventually become an unofficial Pytorch implementation / replication of Alphafold2, as details of the architecture get released
29. Vit Pytorch
Implementation of Vision Transformer, a simple way to achieve SOTA in vision classification with only a single transformer encoder, in Pytorch
30. Timesformer Pytorch
Implementation of TimeSformer from Facebook AI, a pure attention-based solution for video classification
31. uformer-pytorch
Implementation of Uformer, Attention-based Unet, in Pytorch
32. ddpm-proteins
A denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) tailored for conditional generation of protein distograms
33. charformer-pytorch
Implementation of the GBST block from the Charformer paper, in Pytorch
35. transganformer
Implementation of TransGanFormer, an all-attention GAN that combines the finding from the recent GanFormer and TransGan paper
36. n-grammer-pytorch
Implementation of N-Grammer, augmenting Transformers with latent n-grams, in Pytorch
37. rela-transformer
Implementation of a Transformer using ReLA (Rectified Linear Attention) from
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38. geometric-vector-perceptron
Implementation of Geometric Vector Perceptron, a simple circuit for 3d rotation equivariance for learning over large biomolecules, in Pytorch. Idea proposed and accepted at ICLR 2021
39. nuwa-pytorch
Implementation of NÜWA, state of the art attention network for text to video synthesis, in Pytorch
40. enformer-pytorch
Implementation of Enformer, Deepmind's attention network for predicting gene expression, in Pytorch
41. nystrom-attention
Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer
42. AoA-pytorch
A Pytorch implementation of Attention on Attention module (both self and guided variants), for Visual Question Answering
43. remixer-pytorch
Implementation of the Remixer Block from the Remixer paper, in Pytorch
44. halonet-pytorch
Implementation of the 😇 Attention layer from the paper, Scaling Local Self-Attention For Parameter Efficient Visual Backbones
45. tr-rosetta-pytorch
Implementation of trRosetta and trDesign for Pytorch, made into a convenient package, for protein structure prediction and design
46. molecule-attention-transformer
Pytorch reimplementation of Molecule Attention Transformer, which uses a transformer to tackle the graph-like structure of molecules
47. token-shift-gpt
Implementation of Token Shift GPT - An autoregressive model that solely relies on shifting the sequence space for mixing
48. graph-transformer-pytorch
Implementation of Graph Transformer in Pytorch, for potential use in replicating Alphafold2
49. long-short-transformer
Implementation of Long-Short Transformer, combining local and global inductive biases for attention over long sequences, in Pytorch
50. denoising-diffusion-pytorch
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
1-50 of 67 user projects