All Git Users → mlabouardy

19 open source projects by mlabouardy

1. Nexus Cli
Nexus CLI for Docker Registry v2 🐳
3. Movies Restapi
RESTful API to manage movies written in Go and uses MongoDB as storage
4. Terraform Aws Labs
Terraform template for AWS provider ☁️
5. Butler
Export/Import Jenkins jobs & plugins 📤
7. Swaggymnia
Generate Swagger 🌀 documentation for your existing API in Insomnia
9. aws-pipeline
Build a CI/CD for Microservices and Serverless Functions in AWS ☁️
11. go-html-email
Sending HTML email using Go 💌
12. dialogflow-go-client
Go library for DialogFlow (API.AI) 😎
16. lambda-ci
CI/CD for Lambda Functions with Jenkins
17. dialogflow-watchnow-messenger
WatchNow FB Messenger bot with DialogFlow & Golang 💬
18. movies-dynamodb-lambda
Simple Serverless API in Node.JS with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB & API Gateway
19. serverless-go
Serverless Golang Function to Discover Movies 🎥
1-19 of 19 user projects