All Git Users → pwittchen

20 open source projects by pwittchen

1. Prefser
Wrapper for Android SharedPreferences with object serialization and RxJava Observables
2. Reactivenetwork
Android library listening network connection state and Internet connectivity with RxJava Observables
3. Weathericonview
Weather Icon View for Android applications
4. Reactivewifi
Android library listening available WiFi Access Points and related information with RxJava Observables
5. Infinitescroll
Infinite Scroll (Endless Scrolling) for RecyclerView in Android
7. Reactivesensors
Android library monitoring device hardware sensors with RxJava
8. Searchtwitter
Android app, which allows to search tweets as user types and scroll them infinitely
9. Learn Python The Hard Way
Set of programs written during learning basics of Python and related resources 🐍
✭ 9
10. Networkevents
Android library listening network connection state and change of the WiFi signal strength with event bus
11. Spotify Cli Linux
🎶 A command line interface to Spotify on Linux
12. Swipe
👉 detects swipe events on Android
13. Rxbiometric
☝️ RxJava and RxKotlin bindings for Biometric Prompt (Fingerprint Scanner) on Android
14. kirai
String formatting library for Java, Android, Web and Unix Terminal
15. interview-questions
interview questions for the software developer role and related resources
16. ydocker
[unofficial PoC] get, build, initialize and run SAP Hybris Commerce Suite inside Docker container
17. ReactiveBus
🚍 Reactive Event Bus for JVM (1.7+) and Android apps built with RxJava 2
19. tmux-plugin-spotify
tmux plugin displaying currently played song on Spotify (linux only)
20. EEGReader
EEG Reader is an Android mobile application, which reads EEG signal from NeuroSky mobile device connected to smartphone via Bluetooth.
1-20 of 20 user projects