BluetoothCross-platform Bluetooth API for Go and TinyGo.
Baselibrary🔥Android开发 常用基础公共库(mvp/mvvm/retrofit/rxjava/socket/ble/多语言) 直接下载或依赖即可使用
FruitymeshFruityMesh - The first completely connection-based open source mesh on top of Bluetooth Low Energy (4.1/5.0 or higher)
Golden GateFramework to connect wearables and other IoT devices to mobile phones, tablets and PCs with an IP-based protocol stack over Bluetooth Low Energy
Lego Ble Wireless Protocol DocsThis repository contains information about LEGO Hubs (name, battery level, etc.) and to interact with any sensors and motors connected to it.
Rxble使用 RxJava 封装的低功耗蓝牙类库
OpenmqttgatewayMQTT gateway for ESP8266, ESP32, Sonoff RF Bridge or Arduino with bidirectional 433mhz/315mhz/868mhz, Infrared communications, BLE, Bluetooth, beacons detection, mi flora, mi jia, LYWSD02, LYWSD03MMC, Mi Scale, TPMS, BBQ thermometer compatibility, SMS & LORA.
Esp32 Ble MouseBluetooth LE Mouse library for the ESP32 (Arduino IDE compatible)
ContinuityApple Continuity Protocol Reverse Engineering and Dissector
H BleAndroid Ble类库,基于回调,暴露搜索、连接、发送、接收、断开连接等接口,无需关心细节操作即可进行Ble通信。
Nrf5xnRF51822 and nRF52832 based baords, e.g. BLE Nano, RBL_nRF51822, Nano 2 and Blend 2
Node BleBluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library written with pure Node.js (no bindings) - baked by Bluez via DBus
BleConnect to and interact with Bluetooth LE peripherals.
Esp32 Blecollectorᛡᛒ BLE Scanner + Data persistence on SD Card for M5Stack, Odroid-Go, ESP32-Wrover-Kit and other models
Beacon KeeperSimple android library for working with iBeacons in background
Ble.netCross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for Android, iOS, and UWP
KnobKey Negotiation Of Bluetooth (KNOB) attacks on Bluetooth BR/EDR and BLE [CVE-2019-9506]
Web Bluetooth TerminalProgressive Web Application for serial communication with your own Bluetooth Low Energy (Smart) devices
Rf24bleRF24BLE is the library that makes an nrf24L01+ chip (1$) into a BLE advertising beacon and can be used for LOW payload advertising like sensor data etc.
Blueborne ScannerBluetooth scanner for local devices that may be vulnerable to Blueborne exploit
PolypointIndoor localization based on the DecaWave DW1000.
BluetoeC++ Framework to build Bluetooth LE Server (GATT)
OkbleAn easy-to-use BLE library for android. 简单易用的android BLE library
Nimble ArduinoA fork of the NimBLE library structured for compilation with Ardruino, designed for use with ESP32.
JesfsJo's Embedded Serial File System (for Standard Serial NOR-Flash)
BettercapThe Swiss Army knife for 802.11, BLE, IPv4 and IPv6 networks reconnaissance and MITM attacks.
Bl iot sdkBL602 SDK. Any technical topic, please access the following link.
Magicblue💡 Unofficial Python API to control Magic Blue bulbs over Bluetooth
ExtendableBlocks Based Bluetooth LE Connectivity framework for iOS/watchOS/tvOS/OSX. Quickly configure centrals & peripherals, perform read/write operations, and respond characteristic updates.
Ble Security Attack Defence✨ Purpose only! The dangers of Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)implementations: Unveiling zero day vulnerabilities and security flaws in modern Bluetooth LE stacks.
Noble MacNoble MacOS bindings using the official CoreBluetooth API
Ble✨Android BLE基础操作框架,基于回调,操作简单。包含扫描、多连接、广播包解析、服务读写及通知等功能。
RxbluetoothkotlinBluetooth low energy reactive framework for Android written in Kotlin
Blinker LibraryAn IoT Solution,Blinker library for embedded hardware. Works with Arduino, ESP8266, ESP32.
Pytile📡 A simple Python API for Tile® Bluetooth trackers
Ble Ebook ProjectThe companion repository for the book: "Bluetooth 5 & Bluetooth Low Energy: A Developer's Guide"