All Git Users → quasilyte

15 open source projects by quasilyte

1. Phpgrep
Syntax-aware grep for PHP code.
2. Gopherkon
Go mascot image constructor. Create your cute own gopher.
3. Go Parsefix
Fixes simple parse errors automatically. Works great in combination with goimports.
4. Astnorm
AST normalization experiment
5. Go Ruleguard
Define and run pattern-based custom linting rules.
6. Goism
Not a fan of Emacs Lisp? Hack Emacs in Go!
7. Go Consistent
Source code analyzer that helps you to make your Go programs more consistent.
8. minformat
gominfmt makes the Go code more compact to aid further compression; revert with gofmt
9. gogrep
Syntax-aware Go code search, based on the mvdan/gogrep
11. go-namecheck
Source code analyzer that helps you to maintain variable/field naming conventions inside your project.
13. concat
Demo repository for article about faster Go string concatenation.
15. repolint
Tool to check github user/organization repositories for some simple and common issues.
1-15 of 15 user projects