Asm DomA minimal WebAssembly virtual DOM to build C++ SPA (Single page applications)
CollorA declarative-ui framework for UICollectionView with great and useful features.
NbdimeTools for diffing and merging of Jupyter notebooks.
IglistkitA data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
DiffimgDifferentiate images in python - get a ratio or percentage difference, and generate a diff image
DatasourceSimplifies the setup of UITableView data sources using type-safe descriptors for cells and sections. Animated diffing built-in.
Carbon🚴 A declarative library for building component-based user interfaces in UITableView and UICollectionView.
Sketchdiff💎 Generate visual differences between two Sketch files or a previous git commit
SirixSirixDB is a temporal, evolutionary database system, which uses an accumulate only approach. It keeps the full history of each resource. Every commit stores a space-efficient snapshot through structural sharing. It is log-structured and never overwrites data. SirixDB uses a novel page-level versioning approach called sliding snapshot.
BentoSwift library for building component-based interfaces on top of UITableView and UICollectionView 🍱
BufferSwift μ-framework for efficient array diffs and datasource adapters.
PgdiffCompares the PostgreSQL schema between two databases and generates SQL statements that can be run manually against the second database to make their schemas match.
MultidiffBinary data diffing for multiple objects or streams of data
Differencekit💻 A fast and flexible O(n) difference algorithm framework for Swift collection.
Ace DiffA diff/merging wrapper for Ace Editor built on google-diff-match-patch
AngleSharp.DiffingA library that makes it possible to compare two AngleSharp node lists and get a list of differences between them.
go-deltago-delta - A Go package and utility to generate and apply binary delta updates.