Darkspiritz🌔 Official Repository for DarkSpiritz Penetration Framework | Written in Python 🐍
3klconAutomation Recon tool which works with Large & Medium scopes. It performs more than 20 tasks and gets back all the results in separated files.
RapidpayloadFramework RapidPayload - Metasploit Payload Generator | Crypter FUD AntiVirus Evasion
AstraAutomated Security Testing For REST API's
SilentbridgeSilentbridge is a toolkit for bypassing 802.1x-2010 and 802.1x-2004.
Owasp FstmThe Firmware Security Testing Methodology (FSTM) is composed of nine stages tailored to enable security researchers, software developers, consultants, hobbyists, and Information Security professionals with conducting firmware security assessments.
HcxtoolsPortable (that doesn't include proprietary/commercial operating systems) solution for conversion of cap/pcap/pcapng (gz compressed) WiFi dump files to hashcat formats (recommended by hashcat) and to John the Ripper formats. hcx: h = hash, c = convert and calculate candidates, x = different hashtypes
NettackerAutomated Penetration Testing Framework
HcxdumptoolSmall tool to capture packets from wlan devices.
Babysploit👶 BabySploit Beginner Pentesting Toolkit/Framework Written in Python 🐍
Fsocietyfsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
Rapidscan🆕 The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner.
JackhammerJackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
HackerproAll in One Hacking Tool for Linux & Android (Termux). Make your linux environment into a Hacking Machine. Hackers are welcome in our blog
JusttryharderJustTryHarder, a cheat sheet which will aid you through the PWK course & the OSCP Exam. (Inspired by PayloadAllTheThings)
VanquishVanquish is Kali Linux based Enumeration Orchestrator. Vanquish leverages the opensource enumeration tools on Kali to perform multiple active information gathering phases.
WatchdogWatchdog - A Comprehensive Security Scanning and a Vulnerability Management Tool.
OverlordOverlord - Red Teaming Infrastructure Automation
avainA Modular Framework for the Automated Vulnerability Analysis in IP-based Networks
AttackSurfaceManagementDiscover the attack surface and prioritize risks with our continuous Attack Surface Management (ASM) platform - Sn1per Professional #pentest #redteam #bugbounty
JPentestJumbo Python Penetration testing framework
pentesting-frameworkPentesting Framework is a bundle of penetration testing tools, Includes - security, pentesting, hacking and many more.
pen-test-automationA framework for automating penetration testing using a plugin based architecture
peniotPENIOT: Penetration Testing Tool for IoT
KaliIntelligenceSuiteKali Intelligence Suite (KIS) shall aid in the fast, autonomous, central, and comprehensive collection of intelligence by executing standard penetration testing tools. The collected data is internally stored in a structured manner to allow the fast identification and visualisation of the collected information.
toolsTools used for Penetration testing / Red Teaming