NvdtoolsA set of tools to work with the feeds (vulnerabilities, CPE dictionary etc.) distributed by National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
PatrowlenginesPatrOwl - Open Source, Free and Scalable Security Operations Orchestration Platform
DetexploitOSS Vulnerability Scanner for Windows Platform
GvmdGreenbone Vulnerability Manager
HuntrVulnerability Database | huntr.dev
ArcherysecCentralize Vulnerability Assessment and Management for DevSecOps Team
Django DefectdojoDefectDojo is an open-source application vulnerability correlation and security orchestration tool.
SwiftnessA note-taking macOS app for penetration-testers.
BulwarkAn organizational asset and vulnerability management tool, with Jira integration, designed for generating application security reports.
PatrowldocsPatrOwl - Open Source, Free and Scalable Security Operations Orchestration Platform
H4ckerThis repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
PurifyAll-in-one tool for managing vulnerability reports from AppSec pipelines
VulsAgent-less vulnerability scanner for Linux, FreeBSD, Container, WordPress, Programming language libraries, Network devices
Openvas ScannerOpen Vulnerability Assessment Scanner - Scanner for Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM)
SmershSmersh is a pentest oriented collaborative tool used to track the progress of your company's missions.
Rapidscan🆕 The Multi-Tool Web Vulnerability Scanner.
JackhammerJackhammer - One Security vulnerability assessment/management tool to solve all the security team problems.
SeccubusEasy automated vulnerability scanning, reporting and analysis
PatrowlmanagerPatrOwl - Open Source, Smart and Scalable Security Operations Orchestration Platform
ThreatmapperIdentify vulnerabilities in running containers, images, hosts and repositories
WatchdogWatchdog - A Comprehensive Security Scanning and a Vulnerability Management Tool.
FaradayFaraday introduces a new concept - IPE (Integrated Penetration-Test Environment) a multiuser Penetration test IDE. Designed for distributing, indexing, and analyzing the data generated during a security audit.
swiss-bugbounty-programsList of bug bounty and coordinated vulnerability disclosure programs of companies/organisations in Switzerland
reconmapVulnerability assessment and penetration testing automation and reporting platform for teams.
ospdOSPd is a framework for vulnerability scanners which share the same communication protocol: OSP (Open Scanner Protocol)
AttackSurfaceManagementDiscover the attack surface and prioritize risks with our continuous Attack Surface Management (ASM) platform - Sn1per Professional #pentest #redteam #bugbounty
quick-scriptsA collection of my quick and dirty scripts for vulnerability POC and detections
MixewayHubMixeway is security orchestrator for vulnerability scanners which enable easy plug in integration with CICD pipelines. MixewayHub project contain one click docker-compose file which configure and run images from docker hub.
FSEC-VMBackend logic implementation for Vulnerability Management System
LogESPOpen Source SIEM (Security Information and Event Management system).
inthewilddbHourly updated database of exploit and exploitation reports
gvm-toolsRemote control your Greenbone Community Edition or Greenbone Enterprise Appliance