geppyA framework for gene expression programming (an evolutionary algorithm) in Python
LTVModels.jlTools to estimate Linear Time-Varying models in Julia
BirchA probabilistic programming language that combines automatic differentiation, automatic marginalization, and automatic conditioning within Monte Carlo methods.
pmh-tutorialSource code and data for the tutorial: "Getting started with particle Metropolis-Hastings for inference in nonlinear models"
FARNNCode that trains cancer soft-robot networks
sysidentpyA Python Package For System Identification Using NARMAX Models
Pontryagin-Differentiable-ProgrammingA unified end-to-end learning and control framework that is able to learn a (neural) control objective function, dynamics equation, control policy, or/and optimal trajectory in a control system.
sysid-neural-structures-fittingPython code of the paper "Model structures and fitting criteria for system identification with neural networks" by Marco Forgione and Dario Piga.