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Top 70 motion-planning open source projects

Cross-Platform, Multi-Use Motion Profiling and Trajectory Generation
Crocoddyl is an optimal control library for robot control under contact sequence. Its solver is based on various efficient Differential Dynamic Programming (DDP)-like algorithms
Ur5 ros Gazebo
Universal Robot (UR5) Pick and Place Simulation in ROS-Gazebo with a USB Cam and Vacuum Grippers
Rvo2 Cs
Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (C#)
Hybrid A Star Annotation
Hybrid A*路径规划器的代码注释
Visualization of Motions for Legged Robots in ros-rviz
Gaussian Process Motion Planner 2
Am traj
Alternating Minimization Based Trajectory Generation for Quadrotor Aggressive Flight
Artificial Intelligence for Kinematics, Dynamics, and Optimization
Pick Place Robot
Object picking and stowing with a 6-DOF KUKA Robot using ROS
Open-source Autonomy Software in Rust-lang with gRPC for the Roomba series robot vacuum cleaners. Under development.
Rvo2 3d
Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance in Three Dimensions (C++)
motion planning algorithms with demos for various state-spaces
The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL), GUI + FCL/Assimp integration
Path planning
This repository contains path planning algorithms in C++ for a grid based search.
A robust UAV local planner based on the ICRA2020 paper: Robust Real-time UAV Replanning Using Guided Gradient-based Optimization and Topological Paths
The Dynamic Window Approach planning algorithm written in C with Python Bindings
Awesome Human Pose Estimation
Human Pose Estimation Related Publication
Fast Planner
A Robust and Efficient Trajectory Planner for Quadrotors
The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL)
Phd Bibliography
References on Optimal Control, Reinforcement Learning and Motion Planning
Unity Robotics Hub
Central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotics simulation in Unity.
g2core - The Next Generation
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives
A light-weight, Eigen-based C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots.
Teach Repeat Replan
Teach-Repeat-Replan: A Complete and Robust System for Aggressive Flight in Complex Environments
The Robotics Library (RL) is a self-contained C++ library for rigid body kinematics and dynamics, motion planning, and control.
Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (C++)
Free gait
An Architecture for the Versatile Control of Legged Robots
robotic motion planning library
CLF reactive planning system
This package provides a CLF-based reactive planning system, described in paper: Efficient Anytime CLF Reactive Planning System for a Bipedal Robot on Undulating Terrain. The reactive planning system consists of a 5-Hz planning thread to guide a robot to a distant goal and a 300-Hz Control-Lyapunov-Function-based (CLF-based) reactive thread to co…
Reciprocal Collision Avoidance with Acceleration-Velocity Obstacles (C++)
This repository contains the solutions to all the exercises for the MOOC about SLAM and PATH-PLANNING algorithms given by professor Claus Brenner at Leibniz University. This repository also contains my personal notes, most of them in PDF format, and many vector graphics created by myself to illustrate the theoretical concepts. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Iterative Linear-Quadratic Games!
To guarantee safe and efficient driving for automated vehicles in complicated traffic conditions, the motion planning module of automated vehicles are expected to generate collision-free driving policies as soon as possible in varying traffic environment. However, there always exist a tradeoff between efficiency and accuracy for the motion plann…
multi robot traj planner
An Efficient Multi-Robot Trajectory Planner for Ground Vehicles.
A complete end-to-end demonstration in which we collect training data in Unity and use that data to train a deep neural network to predict the pose of a cube. This model is then deployed in a simulated robotic pick-and-place task.
An open source autonomous driving research platform for Active SLAM & Multisensor Data Fusion
🛩️⚙️ 3D Planning, PID Control, Extended Kalman Filter for the Udacity Flying Car Nanodegree // FCND-Term1
My path-planning pipeline to navigate a car safely around a virtual highway with other traffic.
Fast contact-implicit model-predictive control for robotic systems that make and break contact with their environments.
1-60 of 70 motion-planning projects