Top 299 ANTLR open source projects

251. libra
Java Predicate, supports SQL-like syntax
252. abacus
Abacus is an advanced calculator REPL & CLI with support for recursive lambdas
253. diqube
diqube is a fast, distributed, in-memory column-store which enables you to analyze large amounts of read-only data easily
254. er
er ~ emergency room (a BEAM language "improving" on Erlang)
255. TiBigData
TiDB connectors for Flink/Hive/Presto
256. DieBieSlave
Universal EtherCAT slave based on the LAN9252.
✭ 103
257. sqat
Check and analyse your Java code
258. rsqldb
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 51
259. martins-developer-world
Source code for my blog entries under
260. validatar
Functional testing framework for Big Data pipelines.
261. lightbatis
Lightbatis 增强 MyBatis 版Java 数据库持久层,更简洁并易用
263. cs652
University of San Francisco CS652 -- Programming Languages
264. csharpstandard
Working space for ECMA-TC49-TG2, the C# standard committee.
✭ 560
265. yahdl
A programming language for FPGAs.
266. panda
A Datalog compiler and library
267. MathExpressions.NET
➗ Library for parsing math expressions with rational numbers, finding their derivatives and compiling an optimal IL code
269. DolDoc.NET
A .NET reimplementation of Terry Davis' [✝] DolDoc document formatting engine
271. pro
A crappy tool used in our private PS4 jailbreak
✭ 100
272. logicaldecoding
Parses PostgreSQL Logical Decoding output
✭ 17
273. Antlr4Formatter
Formatter for ANTLR 4 grammars
275. qcor
C++ compiler for heterogeneous quantum-classical computing built on Clang and XACC
276. EmojIDE
Programming in Discord emojis. Second place for the ProgrammerHumor Hackathon
277. asciidoc-grammar-prototype
⛔ ARCHIVED: An experiment to create of a formal grammar for the AsciiDoc markup language. Work is being continued at
278. pretty-formula
A small Java library to parse mathematical formulas to LaTeX and display them as images
279. voml
Another Readable Configuration
280. antlr4-oracle
ANTLR4 grammar for oracle SQL and PL/SQL
282. 2018fall
Compiler Course at USTC in 2018 Fall
285. theta
Generic, modular and configurable formal verification framework supporting various formalisms and algorithms
287. antlr-calculator
A Calculator, written in TypeScript, using ANTLR4s JavaScript target
289. j2swift
Basic Java to Swift syntax converter
✭ 75
290. concode
Mapping Language to Code in a Programmatic Context
291. graalvm-truffle-tutorial
The code for the series of tutorials on my blog about the GraalVM Truffle language implementation framework
✭ 25
292. notaql
A cross-system data transformation language.
✭ 13
294. Soft-Propeller
No description, website, or topics provided.
295. tale
Compiler, runtime and standard library for Tale.
296. RASP
An interpreter for RASP as described in the ICML 2021 paper "Thinking Like Transformers"
298. splunk antlr spl
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 21
299. antlr-sqlparser
SQL Parser with ANTLR v4
✭ 51
251-299 of 299 ANTLR projects