Top 1817 Cuda open source projects

301. tensorRT Pro co-comments
No description, website, or topics provided.
303. vtr3
VT&R3 is a C++ implementation of the Teach and Repeat navigation framework. It enables a robot to be taught a network of traversable paths and then accurately repeat any network portion.
305. PSPNET-cudnn5
The PSPNET supported cudnn v.5 based on
306. rodinia fpga
Rodinia Benchmark Suite for OpenCL-based FPGAs
307. rule engine
Anomaly classification with rules
308. NeuralNetTests
Practices for machine learning
309. modelcompression-2019
No description, website, or topics provided.
310. graphBIG
A Comprehensive Benchmark Suite for Graph Computing
311. GPIS
Work on Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces
312. cubep3m
cosmological n-body code
313. CenterNet-HarDNet
Object detection achieving 44.3 mAP / 45 fps on COCO dataset
314. Advanced-Real-Time-Self-Driving
Using Advanced Constitutional Neural Networks to make real autonomous driving possible in real time with human intuition
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315. warp
continuous energy monte carlo neutron transport in general geometries on GPUs
316. HexaLab an online viewer for hexahedral meshes
317. itn
ITN Project codes and models for CVPR 2018 paper: Geometry-Aware Scene Text Detection with Instance Transformation Network
319. seisDD
Double-difference adjoint seismic tomography
320. atrbvh
Implementation for "Bounding Volume Hierarchy Optimization through Agglomerative Treelet Restructuring"
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322. STD2P
source code for "STD2P: RGBD Semantic Segmentation Using Spatio-Temporal Data-Driven Pooling (CVPR2017)"
323. torchmcubes
Marching cubes implementation for PyTorch environment.
324. eesen
The official repository of the Eesen project
325. TMNet
The official pytorch implemention of the CVPR paper "Temporal Modulation Network for Controllable Space-Time Video Super-Resolution".
326. cudaLATCH
GPU implementation of LATCH descriptor & matcher.
327. LBM physics experimnts
Lattice-Boltzmann Algorithm using CUDA and SFML libraries
328. Gklee
GKLEE is a symbolic analyser and test generator tailored for CUDA C++ programs
329. tiny-face-mxnet
a face detector and trainer
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330. CudaDMA
Emulating DMA Engines on GPUs for Performance and Portability
331. CellProposalNetwork
Demos for Cell Proposal Networks presented in ICIP 16 and DLMIA 16 (MICCAI-W)
333. PbfVs
Implementation of Macklin, Miles, and Matthias Müller. "Position based fluids.". Visual Studio 2015 + CUDA 8.0
334. fetalReconstruction
GPU accelerated source code for motion compensation of multi-stack MRI data
GPU-Accelerated Radiative Transfer Code For Exoplanetary Atmospheres
336. toy code
No description or website provided.
337. DRNet
Dense-Resolution Network for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation (WACV 2021)
338. VisDrone2018
ECCV2018(Challenge-Object Detection in Images)
YOLOX in DOTA with KLD loss. (Oriented Object Detection)(Rotated BBox)基于YOLOX的旋转目标检测
340. Examples
Examples of using of different technologies.
341. bazel.cmake
bazel.cmake mimics the behavior of bazel to simplify the usability of CMake
342. ccminer
Software for mining various cryptocoins
An adapted version of the original caffe deep learning library to support training, finetuning and testing of convolutional neural networks with limited numerical precision of weights and activations
344. geek-training-camp
No description, website, or topics provided.
345. ACMNet
Adaptive Context-Aware Multi-Modal Network for Depth Completion
346. Semi-supervised-Adaptive-Distillation
Semi-supervised Adaptive Distillation is a model compression method for object detection.
347. ChainQueen
Differentiable MPM Simulator
348. CompPerfWorkshop-2021
2021 ALCF Computational Performance Workshop
349. embedding-transfer
Code for “Bridging Subword Gaps in Pretrain-Finetune Paradigm for Natural Language Generation” (ACL2021)
350. Depth-Image-Processing
Depth Image Processing