Top 1817 Cuda open source projects

351. yolov4 darknet
YOLOv4 - Neural Networks for Object Detection (Windows and Linux version of Darknet )
352. torch-asg
Auto Segmentation Criterion (ASG) implemented in pytorch
354. VisCOLL
Code and data for the project "Visually grounded continual learning of compositional semantics"
355. des
No description, website, or topics provided.
356. LightBender
A multi-platform, GPU-accelerated, C++ rendering application written around the NVIDIA OptiX Ray Tracing API.
357. nvcaffe
No description, website, or topics provided.
358. equelle
Compiler and back-end support for the Equelle domain-specific language for PDEs.
359. iqiyi-vid-challenge
Code for IQIYI-VID(IQIYI Video Person Identification) Challenge Implemented in Python and MXNet
360. cuda cuts
Based on CUDA Cuts Code
361. heterosync
HeteroSync is a benchmark suite for performing fine-grained synchronization on tightly coupled GPUs
364. tf-faster-rcnn-rddc
Road Damage Detection and Classification with Faster R-CNN (BigData 2018)
365. openpose caffe train
Modified Caffe version for
366. fast rnnt
A torch implementation of a recursion which turns out to be useful for RNN-T.
367. LTNet
Implement of LTNet in "Facial expression recognition with inconsistent datasets", ECCV 2018
368. vrd-dsr
Code for Visual Relationship Detection with Deep Structural Ranking (AAAI2018)
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369. text detection
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370. Parallel NMS
Parallel CUDA implementation of NON maximum Suppression
372. multicore sysu slides
373. Open3D
[IROS 2019] GPU Accelerated Robust Scene Reconstruction
374. SoliditySHA3Miner
All-in-one mixed multi-GPU (nVidia, AMD, Intel) & CPU miner solves proof of work to mine supported EIP918 tokens in a single instance (with API).
375. DCNv2
Deformable Convolutional Networks v2 with Pytorch
376. PatchMatch
An implementation of patchmatch algorithm.
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379. nglod
Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes (CVPR 2021 Oral)
380. swapping-autoencoder-pytorch
Official Implementation of Swapping Autoencoder for Deep Image Manipulation (NeurIPS 2020)
383. inter-operator-scheduler
[MLSys 2021] IOS: Inter-Operator Scheduler for CNN Acceleration
384. Fat-Clouds
GPU Fluid Simulation with Volumetric Rendering
385. DNL-Object-Detection
Disentangled Non-Local Neural Networks
386. vqa-soft
Accompanying code for "A Simple Loss Function for Improving the Convergence and Accuracy of Visual Question Answering Models" CVPR 2017 VQA workshop paper.
387. 2016 Artist Style
Using CNN to create 'famous painting' with Matlab code
391. mask rcnn
Pytorch 1.0 implementation of Mask RCNN
393. GLAT
Implementation of "Glancing Transformer for Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation"
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394. rotated maskrcnn
Rotated Mask R-CNN: From Bounding Boxes to Rotated Bounding Boxes
395. -PyTorch-
397. apollo
An open autonomous driving platform 百度自动驾驶开源框架
398. TensorRT-LPR
399. SOLQ
"SOLQ: Segmenting Objects by Learning Queries", SOLQ is an end-to-end instance segmentation framework with Transformer.
400. overfit-shapes
C++/PyTorch Implementation of the Paper: "Overfit Neural Networks as a Compact Shape Representation"