Top 1544 HCL open source projects

252. HackLikeAGhost
No description, website, or topics provided.
253. terraform-aws-demostack
a quick and dirty Hashistack demo
254. terraform-aws-scanner
Terraform module which provides easy to configure AWS environment for running automated security scanning solutions at scheduled intervals.
255. somleng-switch
SomlengSWITCH. Somleng's TwiML Engine, FreeSWITCH configuration and infrastructure.
256. Red-Baron
Automate creating resilient, disposable, secure and agile infrastructure for Red Teams
258. phoenix
Containerize your enterprise - tutorials and resources for learning Kubernetes hands on using azure!
259. kubernetes-response-engine
No description, website, or topics provided.
260. FreePDK45-RRAM-Addon
A RRAM addon for the NCSU FreePDK 45nm
261. terraform-oci-cf-install
Terraform configurations for bootstrapping a CloudFoundry environment on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
262. tf-parliament
No description, website, or topics provided.
263. inspec-azure
InSpec Azure Resource Pack
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264. mirror-registry
A standalone registry used to mirror images for Openshift installations.
266. lambda ebs snapshot
Terraform config for automatic EBS snapshots
268. beneficiary-fhir-data
No description, website, or topics provided.
271. ecr-cve-monitor
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 18
272. jenkins-deploy
deploy Jenkins to AWS with Terraform and Ansible
273. php-monitoring
Monitoring a PHP application with the Elastic Stack
274. es6-in-six-hours
Learn ES6 in Six One Hour Sessions
275. rails-docker-ecs-datadog-traceview-terraform
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 21
276. dcos-up
Launch DC/OS on AWS with Terraform and Consul
277. terraform-dcos
DC/OS Terraform Installation and Upgrading Scripts
278. action-tflint
Run tflint with reviewdog on pull requests to enforce best practices
279. terraform-nomad
Terraform scripts for creating a Nomad cluster on Google Cloud.
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280. bake-action
GitHub Action to use Docker Buildx Bake as a high-level build command
281. terraform-aws-consul-starter
A Terraform module for creating an OSS Consul cluster as described by the HashiCorp reference architecture.
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283. catapult
SCF and KubeCF CI implementation
284. save-file-converter
Converter for retro console save files found around the Internet. All common formats for NES/SNES/GBA/N64/TG16/SMS/Genesis/Neo Geo/PS1 supported. Decrypts PSP saves. Converts to and from Retron 5 and MiSTer
287. robokops
Manage Kubernetes clusters and deploy common features
288. nomad-pot-driver
Nomad task driver for launching freebsd jails.
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289. aws-security-alarms
CloudTrail and CloudWatch configuration with some basic security alarms.
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290. hobbyfarm
292. terraform-aws-docker
A basic setup to run up docker swarm cluster in AWS using the Terraform
293. prime-reportstream
No description, website, or topics provided.
294. azure-machine-learning-terraform
An example repo for provisioning a complete Azure Machine Learning environment through Terraform
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296. gitlab-setup
A Packer / Terraform / Ansible configuration to install Gitlab and Gitlab-CI
298. grpcoin
API-driven cryptocurrency paper trading game. Write a bot and play!
299. terraform-templates
This repo contains Terraform templates to deploy infrastructure on AWS and Azure and to secure them using the Palo Alto Networks Next Generation Firewalls
300. securityonion-cloud
No description, website, or topics provided.