Top 31 p5js open source projects

1. P5 Manager
A p5js template builder & sketches manager. Built for p5js enthusiasts.
2. Dojs
A DOS JavaScript Canvas with sound
3. Doc2pen
An open source project aimed at making your student life easier!
5. P5.riso
A p5js library for risograph printing by Sam Lavigne and Tega Brain.
6. P5 Typescript Starter
Base starter project using p5js and typescript
7. Tensorflow Js Examples
Working on some new examples with tensorflow.js and p5.js
9. 2d Differential Growth Experiments
Visual experiments exploring differential growth as a 2D morphogenesis tool.
10. Curve Studio
Minimalist Electron app for designing spline curves
11. Melody Mixer
A fun way to explore music using machine learning.
12. P5.serialport
Serial Port API and Server for p5.js
13. Handpose Facemesh Demos
🎥🤟 8 minimalistic templates for tfjs mediapipe handpose and facemesh
14. Grafica.js
A simple and configurable plotting library for p5.js
16. Vue P5
Vue component for p5.js
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17. Binari
Interactive code editor with a live binary tree visual designed to teach new developers the fundamentals of dynamic programming.
18. P5.geolocation
a geolocation and geofencing library for p5.js
19. P5.clickable
Event driven, easy-to-use button library for P5.js 👆
20. P5 Matter Examples
Examples showing how to combine p5.js and matter.js.
23. P5js
Simplex Noise & WebGL with p5js from Processing.Org
24. P5 Notebook
A minimal Jupyter Notebook UI for p5.js kernels running in the browser
25. P5 Hershey Js
p5.js Hershey Vector Font Library
26. Code Package P5.js
Code package of the book: Generative Design – Creative Coding for the Web with JavaScript in p5.js
28. Jizhi
A Chrome/Firefox extension with custom new tab page featuring Chinese poems and P5.js enabled noise waves in traditional Chinese colors
29. Q5xjs
A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
30. P5.collide2d
A collision detection library for 2D geometry in p5.js
31. React P5
🎨 This Component lets you integrate p5 Sketches into your React App.
1-31 of 31 p5js projects