Top 303 PLSQL open source projects

101. rssheap
An advanced web and mobile based RSS reader for software developers built on the .NET platform
102. Dapper.Database
No description, website, or topics provided.
104. oredis
Redis client library for PL/SQL
✭ 19
105. transferdb
TransferDB 支持异构数据库 schema 转换、全量数据导出导入以及增量数据同步功能( Oracle 数据库 -> MySQL/TiDB 数据库)
106. nips-scraper
Scrapes the abstracts to NIPS 2017 papers.
107. pgemailaddr
email address type for PostgreSQL
108. plsql-aws-s3
Oracle PL/SQL tools for building an API to AWS S3 using HTTPS and the AWS4 signature
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111. T SQL
Microsoft: DAT201x Querying with Transact-SQL from edx
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112. mcollective-nrpe-agent
A MCollective agent to interact with the NRPE monitoring system
114. toolbox
collection of sql and shell scripts that I use as an Oracle DBA
115. SQLServer
Aulas da timeline de SQL Server
117. glaze-engine
2D Haxe game engine
118. Weaponry
A collection of tools for every PENTEST engagement
120. xmanager
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121. DAM
Temario y ejercicios de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma (DAM)
122. plsql
Exercism exercises in PL/SQL.
123. scratchbox
Random stuff. Unpolished. Tests. Whatever.
124. adcode
126. plsql-qr-code
Oracle PL/SQL Package and APEX plugin for QR Code Generation
127. NPSS-Power-System-Library
No description, website, or topics provided.
128. sql-cookbook
Common SQL recipes and best practises
129. platform-plus
一个前后端分离的Java快速开发平台,基于SpringBoot2.X、Mybatis-Plus3.X、Activiti6。支持 Oracle、MySQL、DB2、Postgre、MariaDB、H2、HSQL、SQLite、SQLServer2005、SQLServer 等多种数据库。技术交流QQ群66502035(1群已满)、870579539(2群已满)、151602347(3群)
131. XComFiles
A mod for OpenXCom Extended
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133. spring-integration-ha-demo
No description, website, or topics provided.
134. HTML5-Asteroids
An Asteroids clone made in Javascript, using CreateJS, RequireJS and JS-Signals.
135. M1 SII S1
No description, website, or topics provided.
138. PTPSync
Precision Time Protocol Synchronization Service for Windows
139. Oracle-SQL-Scripts
Miscellaneous Oracle SQL Scripts I wrote over the years covering Performance, Statistics and Routine inspection etc.
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140. mailchimp plsql api
Interact with the MailChimp API using PL/SQL
141. growatt-esp8266
Growatt Inverter monitoring via MQTT using ESP8266 modbus interface
143. ASWebGLue
AssemblyScript WebGL bindings and glue code
144. musicbrainz-elasticsearch
Index music album from the MusicBrainz open music encyclopedia into Elasticsearch
✭ 16
146. Frauki
No description, website, or topics provided.
147. StageXL Spine
The Spine runtime for the StageXL library.
148. fonetica-sql
BuscaBR algorithm which allow the comparison of words based on their phonetic likeness (in sql)
149. plot has moved to
150. cocos2d-x-sprite-sheet-tutorial
Create sprite sheets and animations for your cocos2d-x project
101-150 of 303 PLSQL projects