Top 5483 powershell open source projects

151. Powershell Suite
My musings with PowerShell
✭ 2,235
152. Msrc Microsoft Security Updates Api
Repo with getting started projects for the Microsoft Security Updates API (
✭ 178
154. Psreflect
Easily define in-memory enums, structs, and Win32 functions in PowerShell
✭ 176
155. Pass The Hash Guidance
Configuration guidance for implementing Pass-the-Hash mitigations. #nsacyber
157. Weffles
Build a fast, free, and effective Threat Hunting/Incident Response Console with Windows Event Forwarding and PowerBI
158. Computermanagementdsc
DSC resources for for configuration of a Windows computer. These DSC resources allow you to perform computer management tasks, such as renaming the computer, joining a domain and scheduling tasks as well as configuring items such as virtual memory, event logs, time zones and power settings.
✭ 176
159. Prtgapi
C#/PowerShell interface for PRTG Network Monitor
160. Pro Mvc 5
Source code for 'Pro ASP.NET MVC 5' by Adam Freeman
✭ 176
161. Mfasweep
A tool for checking if MFA is enabled on multiple Microsoft Services
✭ 176
162. Esxi Customizer Ps
PowerCLI script that greatly simplifies and automates the process of creating fully patched and customized VMware ESXi installation images
✭ 175
163. Poshspec
Infrastructure Testing DSL running in Pester
165. Azure Mg Sub Governance Reporting
AzGovViz provides visibility on your Azure ManagementGroup hierarchy, creates a Tenant Summary and builds granular Scope Insights on Management Groups and Subscriptions for Azure governance capabilities such as Azure Policy, RBAC, Blueprints and more.
166. Dnvm
OBSOLETE - see readme
✭ 172
167. Xrm Ci Framework
xRM CI Framework provides you with the tools automate the build and deployment of your CRM Solution. Using the framework to implement a fully automated DevOps pipeline will allow you to deploy more frequently with added consistency and quality.
168. Random
Assorted scripts and one off things
✭ 171
169. Packer Provisioner Windows Update
Packer plugin for installing Windows updates
170. Microsoft 365
Scripts to help configure Microsoft 365
✭ 172
171. Posh Sysmon
PowerShell module for creating and managing Sysinternals Sysmon config files.
✭ 171
172. Applocker Guidance
Configuration guidance for implementing application whitelisting with AppLocker. #nsacyber
173. Flancy
A micro web framework for Windows PowerShell
✭ 171
174. Automated Ad Setup
A PowerShell script that aims to have a fully configured domain built in under 10 minutes, but also apply security configuration and hardening.
✭ 171
175. 2018
PowerShell Conference Europe 2018 Slides and Demo Scripts
✭ 171
176. Stracciatella
OpSec-safe Powershell runspace from within C# (aka SharpPick) with AMSI, Constrained Language Mode and Script Block Logging disabled at startup
177. Community Threats
The GitHub of Adversary Emulation Plans in JSON. Share SCYTHE threats with the community. #ThreatThursday adversary emulation plans are shared here.
178. Boombox
Automatic deployment of Cuckoo Sandbox malware lab using Packer and Vagrant
✭ 170
179. Windows Sandbox Utilities
A public repository for useful developments surrounding Windows Sandbox
✭ 171
180. Windows
💎 tweaks & fixes for windows 10 - mostly powershell
181. Psreflect Functions
Module to provide PowerShell functions that abstract Win32 API functions
✭ 170
184. Ps Autolab Env
A PowerShell module for creating lab configurations using Lability and Desired State Configuration. This is a complete update of the 3.x versions. Look at for more information.
✭ 168
185. Windows Vagrant
Windows 2012R2/10/2016/2019 Base Vagrant Box (
186. Psinject
Inject PowerShell into any process
✭ 169
189. Powershell
PowerShell scripts for Mick's IT Blogs
190. Invoke Obfuscation
PowerShell Obfuscator
✭ 2,343
191. Azure Sdk
This is the Azure SDK parent repository and mostly contains documentation around guidelines and policies as well as the releases for the various languages supported by the Azure SDK.
✭ 168
192. Invoke Printdemon
This is a PowerShell Empire launcher PoC using PrintDemon and Faxhell.
✭ 168
193. Au
Chocolatey Automatic Package Updater Module
194. Powersap
Powershell SAP assessment tool
✭ 167
195. Powershellmc
PowerShell examples
✭ 166
196. Dllhijacktest
DLL and PowerShell script to assist with finding DLL hijacks
✭ 166
197. Intunedocs
Public repo for Intune content in OPS
✭ 164
198. Owa Toolkit
Powershell module to assist in attacking Exchange/Outlook Web Access
✭ 165
199. Windows Security
Resources About Windows Security. 1100+ Open Source Tools. 3300+ Blog Post and Videos.
151-200 of 5483 powershell projects