Top 139323 python open source projects

101. Awesome Buggy Erc20 Tokens
A Collection of Vulnerabilities in ERC20 Smart Contracts With Tokens Affected
102. Hvcc
The heavy hvcc compiler for Pure Data patches.
104. Probabilistic Face Embeddings
(ICCV 2019) Uncertainty-aware Face Representation and Recognition
106. Fcos plus
Some improvements (center sample) about FCOS (FCOS: Fully Convolutional One-Stage Object Detection).
107. Bert Relation Extraction
PyTorch implementation for "Matching the Blanks: Distributional Similarity for Relation Learning" paper
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108. Ntlmrecon
Enumerate information from NTLM authentication enabled web endpoints 🔎
109. Wg Manager
A easy to use WireGuard dashboard and management tool
111. Euserv extend
A simple Python Script help you renew free EUserv IPv6 VPS
112. Meingame
MeInGame: Create a Game Character Face from a Single Portrait, AAAI 2021
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113. Img2pose
The official PyTorch implementation of img2pose: Face Alignment and Detection via 6DoF, Face Pose Estimation - CVPR 2021
114. Velruse
Simplifying third-party authentication for web applications.
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115. Mapit
A web service to map postcodes to administrative boundaries and more
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116. Hotqueue
HotQueue is a Python library that allows you to use Redis as a message queue within your Python programs.
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117. Elixir Tmbundle
A TextMate and Sublime Text Bundle for the Elixir programming language
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118. Django Session Security
A little javascript and middleware work together to ensure that the user was active during the past X minutes in any tab he has open. Otherwise, display a warning leaving a couple of minutes to show any kind of activity like moving the mouse. Otherwise, logout the user.
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119. Django Mailbox
Import mail from POP3, IMAP, local email mailboxes or directly from Postfix or Exim4 into your Django application automatically.
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120. Eve Demo
A fully functional REST Web API. Powered by Eve.
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121. Opentuner
An extensible framework for program autotuning
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122. Wikipedia Extractor
This is a mirror of the script by Giuseppe Attardi, and contains history before the official repo started: --- Extracts and cleans text from Wikipedia database dump and stores output in a number of files of similar size in a given directory.
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123. Zhon
Constants used in Chinese text processing
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124. Angular Django Rest Resource
An AngularJS module that provides a resource-generation service similar to ngResource, but optimized for the Django REST Framework.
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125. Django Siteuser
Register, Login, OAuth2, Upload avatar...
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126. Rest condition
Complex permissions flow for django-rest-framework (
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127. Dots
A portable tool for managing a single set of dotfiles in an organized fashion
128. Pyensembl
Python interface to access reference genome features (such as genes, transcripts, and exons) from Ensembl
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130. Forum
Django forum clone from support SAE
131. Arpy
Mac OSX ARP spoof (MiTM) tool that can also plug into Gource
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132. Styleframe
A library that wraps pandas and openpyxl and allows easy styling of dataframes in excel
133. Python Lambda Local
Run AWS Lambda function on local machine
134. Cnn Lstm Caption Generator
A Tensorflow implementation of CNN-LSTM image caption generator architecture that achieves close to state-of-the-art results on the MSCOCO dataset.
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135. Chatbot
Python ChatBot 💬
136. Illustrationgan
A simple, clean TensorFlow implementation of Generative Adversarial Networks with a focus on modeling illustrations.
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137. Django Private Storage
Private media file storage for Django projects
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138. Fast Weights
🏃 Implementation of Using Fast Weights to Attend to the Recent Past.
139. Telnet Iot Honeypot
Python telnet honeypot for catching botnet binaries
140. Deepfeatinterp
Deep Feature Interpolation (CVPR 2017)
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141. Rnn.wgan
Code for training and evaluation of the model from "Language Generation with Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks without Pre-training"
142. Wpm
Typeracer-like console app for measuring your WPM
143. Seglink
Detecting text by linking segments.
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144. C3d Pytorch
Pytorch porting of C3D network, with Sports1M weights
145. Mutpy
MutPy is a mutation testing tool for Python 3.x source code
146. Homeassistant Custom Components
Custom components for Home Assistant
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147. List Of User Agents
List of major web + mobile browser user agent strings. +1 Bonus script to scrape :)
148. Ffn
Flood-Filling Networks for instance segmentation in 3d volumes.
149. Crypto Trading Bot
Automated Bittrex crypto-currency technical analysis and trading tool
150. Syntia
Program synthesis based deobfuscation framework for the USENIX 2017 paper "Syntia: Synthesizing the Semantics of Obfuscated Code"
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101-150 of 139323 python projects