FouriertalkosconPresentation Materials for my "Sound Analysis with the Fourier Transform and Python" OSCON Talk.
PyimsegmImage segmentation - general superpixel segmentation & center detection & region growing
Jupytext.vimVim plugin for editing Jupyter ipynb files via jupytext
MonkeysA strongly-typed genetic programming framework for Python
Show astAn IPython notebook plugin for visualizing ASTs.
Python introJupyter notebooks in Russian. Introduction to Python, basic algorithms and data structures
PynamicalPynamical is a Python package for modeling and visualizing discrete nonlinear dynamical systems, chaos, and fractals.
Blogger CliA cli tool to convert and manage jupyter notebook blogs. Proudly host your notebooks even as a static site.
Data Science HacksData Science Hacks consists of tips, tricks to help you become a better data scientist. Data science hacks are for all - beginner to advanced. Data science hacks consist of python, jupyter notebook, pandas hacks and so on.
QuantumPokerQuantum Poker – a serious pedagogical tool to learn quantum computing that is fun to play
DeepECGUsing deep learning to detect Atrial fibrillation
NothingButNumPyThis repo is part of a series of blog post titled "Nothing but NumPy"
ipynb-py-convertConvert .py files runnable in VSCode or Atom/Hydrogen to Jupyter .ipynb notebooks and vice versa
multi-task-learningMulti-task learning smile detection, age and gender classification on GENKI4k, IMDB-Wiki dataset.
nusaA Python library for structural analysis using the finite element method
ewstoolsPython package for early warning signals (EWS) of bifurcations in time series data.
notebook-free-notebookA professional, lock-in-free Jupyter dev env for coders, teams and non-trivial, large Jupyter projects
fattailsCode and Notes for fat-tailed statistics.
rlss-2019Materials for the Practical Sessions of the Reinforcement Learning Summer School 2019: Bandits, RL & Deep RL (PyTorch).
pypinmProgramiranje in numerične metode v ekosistemu Pythona
notebooksThis repo contains notebooks that explaining some cool stuff we learn every now and then...