Top 7636 r open source projects

751. Rtemis
Advanced Machine Learning and Visualization
752. Ggvenndiagram
A 'ggplot2' implement of Venn Diagram
✭ 107
753. Bayesfactor
BayesFactor R package for Bayesian data analysis with common statistical models.
✭ 106
754. Pophelper
An R package to analyse and visualise admixture proportions from STRUCTURE, fastSTRUCTURE, TESS, ADMIXTURE etc.
✭ 106
755. Rstrava
Functions to access data from Strava's v3 API.
✭ 106
756. Gwas scripts
Codebook from my GWAS cookbook
✭ 106
758. Wishlist For R
Features and tweaks to R that I and others would love to see - feel free to add yours!
759. Loo
loo R package for approximate leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO-CV) and Pareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS)
760. Clustermq
R package to send function calls as jobs on LSF, SGE, Slurm, PBS/Torque, or each via SSH
761. Dev guide
rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review
762. Excelr
An Interface to 'jExcel.js' Library
763. Storytelling With Data Ggplot
Recreation of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic's Storytelling with Data plots using R an ggplot2
✭ 106
764. Patientlevelprediction
An R package for performing patient level prediction in an observational database in the OMOP Common Data Model.
✭ 103
766. Rmote
Utilities for running R on a remote server
✭ 105
767. Cgoes
Research by Carlos Góes
768. Codebook
Cook rmarkdown codebooks from metadata on R data frames
769. Covid 19
Plots and analysis relating to the pandemic
✭ 105
770. Pystr
Python String Methods in R.
✭ 104
771. Sharing isl python
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in PYTHON
772. Slickr
slick carousel htmlwidget for R
773. Snakecase
🐍🐍🐍 A systematic approach to parse strings and automate the conversion to snake_case, UpperCamelCase or any other case.
774. Particles
A particle simulation engine based on a port of d3-force
775. Shiny.i18n
Shiny applications internationalisation made easy
776. Workflows
Modeling Workflows
✭ 104
777. Trelliscope
Detailed Visualization of Large Complex Data in R
✭ 103
778. Code r
Collection of R Scripts for Reuse
✭ 103
779. Spieceasi
Sparse InversE Covariance estimation for Ecological Association and Statistical Inference
✭ 103
780. Walmart competition code
This repo holds the code for the 1st place entry in the Walmart 2014 sales forecasting competition hosted on Kaggle.
✭ 103
781. R Sample Tools
Sample tools illustrating R usage in geoprocessing scripts
✭ 103
782. Umap
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection - R package
✭ 103
783. Friendlyeval
A friendly interface to tidyeval/rlang that will excuse itself when you're done.
✭ 103
784. Microsoft365r
R SDK for interacting with Microsoft 365 APIs
✭ 101
785. R Optparse
R package providing a command line optional argument parser
✭ 102
786. Secure
Secure private R data in public packages
✭ 102
787. Doazureparallel
A R package that allows users to submit parallel workloads in Azure
788. Ncm R
R autocompletion for Neovim and vim 8 📝 📊 ⚡️
789. Modeldown
modelDown generates a website with HTML summaries for predictive models
✭ 102
790. Gratia
ggplot-based graphics and useful functions for GAMs fitted using the mgcv package
792. Thebiobucket Archives
R-Code used in my blog theBioBucket
✭ 101
793. Rorcid
A programmatic interface the API
794. Stylo
R package for stylometric analyses
✭ 101
795. Genomics
A collection of scripts and notes related to genomics and bioinformatics
796. Dggridr
Discrete Global Grids for R: Spatial Analysis Done Right
797. Learning Social Media Analytics With R
This repository contains code and bonus content which will be added from time to time for the book "Learning Social Media Analytics with R" by Packt
798. Citools
An R Package for Quick Uncertainty Intervals
799. Forecastml
An R package with Python support for multi-step-ahead forecasting with machine learning and deep learning algorithms