All Git Users → Yalantis

52 open source projects by Yalantis

5. Euclid
User Profile Interface Animation
6. Segmentio
Animated top/bottom segmented control written in Swift.
7. Pull To Ios
This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in Yalantis
9. Horizon
Horizon - Simple visual equaliser for Android
10. Fittrack
Concept of a fitness app.
11. Pulltomakesoup
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
This component implements transition animation to crumble view into tiny pieces.
14. Flipviewpager.draco
This project aims to provide a working page flip implementation for usage in ListView.
16. Ios Guidelines
iOS Guidelines used in Yalantis ;)
✭ 145
17. Taurus
A little more fun for the pull-to-refresh interaction.
19. Searchfilter
Implementing Search Filter Animation in Kotlin for Quora Meets LinkedIn, Our App Design Concept
20. Reactnativetemplate
Our example of simple application using ReactNative and some recommendations
22. Todolist
Micro-Transitions for Smooth Android To-Do List Animations
23. Jellytoolbar
No description or website provided.
24. Pull To Make Soup
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to RecyclerView
25. Multi Selection
Multiselection Solution for Android in Kotlin
26. Colormatchtabs
This is a Review posting app that let user find interesting places near them
27. Appearancenavigationcontroller
Example with advanced configuration of the navigation controller's appearance
29. Pulltorefresh
This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
31. Preloader.ophiuchus
Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters.
32. Cameramodule
Simple camera module for android applications
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34. Eatfit
Eat fit is a component for attractive data representation inspired by Google Fit
35. Side
Side menu with some categories to choose.
37. Koloda
KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
38. Pulltomakeflight
Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
39. Yalfield
Custom Field component with validation for creating easier form-like UI from interface builder.
42. Context
You can easily add awesome animated context menu to your app.
44. Starwars.ios
This component implements transition animation to crumble view-controller into tiny pieces.
45. Kotlin Mvp Example
A small client server app on Kotlin that is using MVP architecture
46. Persei
Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
47. Guillotinemenu
Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
48. Watchface Constructor
This is simple watchface constructor demo
49. Guillotinemenu Android
Neat library, that provides a simple way to implement guillotine-styled animation
50. APIClient
No description, website, or topics provided.
1-50 of 52 user projects