EditlySlick, declarative command line video editing & API
AilightAiLight is a custom firmware for the esp8266 based Ai-Thinker (or equivalent) RGBW WiFi light bulbs
PresentriOS let's you modally present any view controller, but if you want the presented view controller to not cover the whole screen or modify anything about its presentation or transition you have to use the Custom View Controller Presentation API's.
Anix🐿 Super easy and lightweight(<3kb) JavaScript animation library
TransitionEasy interactive interruptible custom ViewController transitions
SpstorkcontrollerNow playing controller from Apple Music, Mail & Podcasts Apple's apps.
MarshrouteMarshroute is an iOS Library for making your Routers simple but extremely powerful
VisualizerUI-Router state visualizer and transition visualizer
DecktransitionA library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition
AtgmediabrowserImage slide-show viewer with multiple predefined transition styles, with ability to create new transitions with ease.
Starwars.androidThis component implements transition animation to crumble view into tiny pieces.
LayerjslayerJS: Javascript UI composition framework
Mergigo library for image programming (merge, crop, resize, watermark, animate, ease, transit)
StfalconimageviewerA simple and customizable Android full-screen image viewer with shared image transition support, "pinch to zoom" and "swipe to dismiss" gestures
Slidradd some slide effects.
YudisplacementtransitionA GPU accelerated transition library makes use of displacement maps to create distortion effects.
MorpheringsCSS Animations that cause buttons to morph into forms.
PixelwaveFully customizable pixel wave animation for seamless page transitions.
EasytransitionsA simple way to create custom interactive UIViewController transitions
Redux Idle MonitorA Redux component to schedule events at stages of user idleness across multiple browser tabs.
Compose Shared ElementExperiment with SharedElement transition in Jetpack Compose, inspired by Flutter Hero widget.
Sunset.cssThis library offers a collection of different CSS-powered transitions.
SimpletabA Simple iOS Tab Bar Controller with animation support.
BarbaCreate badass, fluid and smooth transition between your website's pages.
SplittingJavaScript microlibrary to split an element by words, characters, children and more, populated with CSS variables!
Obs StreamfxStreamFX is a plugin for OBS Studio which adds many new effects, filters, sources, transitions and encoders - all for free! Be it 3D Transform, Blur, complex Masking, or even custom shaders, you'll find it all here.
SwipeablecardsDemonstration of draggable transition for UIViewController with swipeable UICollectionView cells inside.
Scroll OutScrollOut detects changes in scroll for reveal, parallax, and CSS Variable effects!