All Git Users → linkedin

68 open source projects by linkedin

1. Litr
Lightweight hardware accelerated video/audio transcoder for Android.
✭ 240
2. Cruise Control Ui
Cruise Control Frontend (CCFE): Single Page Web Application to Manage Large Scale of Kafka Clusters
✭ 230
3. Qark
Tool to look for several security related Android application vulnerabilities
4. is a REST+JSON framework for building robust, scalable service architectures using dynamic discovery and simple asynchronous APIs.
5. Coral
Coral is a translation, analysis, and query rewrite engine for SQL and other relational languages.
✭ 178
6. Pyexchange
Python wrapper for Microsoft Exchange
✭ 150
7. Cruise Control
Cruise-control is the first of its kind to fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a Kafka cluster. It provides great value to Kafka users by simplifying the operation of Kafka clusters.
8. Shaky Android
Shake to send feedback for Android.
9. Kafka Monitor
Xinfra Monitor monitors the availability of Kafka clusters by producing synthetic workloads using end-to-end pipelines to obtain derived vital statistics - E2E latency, service produce/consume availability, offsets commit availability & latency, message loss rate and more.
10. Isolation Forest
A Spark/Scala implementation of the isolation forest unsupervised outlier detection algorithm.
11. Lift
The LinkedIn Fairness Toolkit (LiFT) is a Scala/Spark library that enables the measurement of fairness in large scale machine learning workflows.
12. Asciietch
A graphing library with the goal of making it simple to graphs using ascii characters.
✭ 127
13. Transport
A framework for writing performant user-defined functions (UDFs) that are portable across a variety of engines including Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Presto.
✭ 126
14. Spark Tfrecord
Read and write Tensorflow TFRecord data from Apache Spark.
✭ 125
15. Avro2tf
Avro2TF is designed to fill the gap of making users' training data ready to be consumed by deep learning training frameworks.
16. Dynamometer
A tool for scale and performance testing of HDFS with a specific focus on the NameNode.
17. Python Avro Json Serializer
Serializes data into a JSON format using AVRO schema.
✭ 117
18. Dexmaker
A utility for doing compile or runtime code generation targeting Android's Dalvik VM
✭ 1,560
19. Ambry
Distributed object store
✭ 1,517
21. Dex Test Parser
Find all test methods in an Android instrumentation APK
22. Swift Style Guide
LinkedIn's Official Swift Style Guide
23. Dr Elephant
Dr. Elephant is a job and flow-level performance monitoring and tuning tool for Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark
✭ 1,175
24. Shiv
shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included.
✭ 1,155
25. Sysops Api
sysops-api is a framework designed to provide visability from tens of thousands of machines in seconds.
✭ 64
Listing of all our public GitHub projects.
✭ 48
27. Parseq
Asynchronous Java made easier
✭ 1,043
28. Detext
DeText: A Deep Neural Text Understanding Framework for Ranking and Classification Tasks
29. Migz
Multithreaded, gzip-compatible compression and decompression, available as a platform-independent Java library and command-line utilities.
✭ 43
30. Test Butler
Reliable Android Testing, at your service
31. Self Focused
Helps make a single page application more friendly to screen readers.
✭ 30
32. Sbt Restli
A collection of sbt plugins providing build integration for the REST framework
✭ 8
33. Paldb
An embeddable write-once key-value store written in Java
✭ 887
34. Luminol
Anomaly Detection and Correlation library
35. Css Blocks
High performance, maintainable stylesheets.
36. Photon Ml
A scalable machine learning library on Apache Spark
✭ 762
37. Hakawai
A powerful, extensible UITextView.
✭ 759
41. Oncall
Oncall is a calendar tool designed for scheduling and managing on-call shifts. It can be used as source of dynamic ownership info for paging systems like
42. Brooklin
An extensible distributed system for reliable nearline data streaming at scale
43. Url Detector
A Java library to detect and normalize URLs in text
✭ 648
44. Tony
TonY is a framework to natively run deep learning frameworks on Apache Hadoop.
45. Iris
Iris is a highly configurable and flexible service for paging and messaging.
46. Flashback
mock the internet
✭ 579
47. Featurefu
Library and tools for advanced feature engineering
✭ 559
48. Layouttest Ios
Write unit tests which test the layout of a view in multiple configurations
✭ 556
49. Pygradle
Using Gradle to build Python projects
50. Kafka Tools
A collection of tools for working with Apache Kafka.
✭ 523
1-50 of 68 user projects