Vis AcademyA set of tutorials on how our frameworks make effective data visualization applications.
Fastlane🚗 Book Uber from your menubar, fast using Electron, React and Redux 🍟
H3Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system
Uber Mobile WebThis is an attempt to mock the new uber app into mobile web to learn how react can be used to optimize for mobile web.
MakisuFast and flexible Docker image building tool, works in unprivileged containerized environments like Mesos and Kubernetes.
Atari Model ZooA binary release of trained deep reinforcement learning models trained in the Atari machine learning benchmark, and a software release that enables easy visualization and analysis of models, and comparison across training algorithms.
Expo UberUber UI Clone with React Native & Expo
Airbnb Android Google Map ViewThis is a sample Android Application which has Google Map view similar to what AirBnb Android Application. Moving Markers like Uber/Ola. Custom Google Search for places. Recycler view with Animations added.
Luma.glHigh-performance Toolkit for WebGL-based Data Visualization
H3 JavaJava bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
ArcarmovementThis is navigation example on google map. Here Marker move as vehicles moves with turns as uber does in their app. Using old and new coordinates animating bearing value the markers are moving.
HorovodDistributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
H3 GoGo bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
Ridereceipts🚕 Simple automation desktop app to download and organize your receipts from Uber/Lyft. Try out our new Ride Receipts PRO !
Ubereats🍦 UberEats clone 🍜 : iOS in Swift, backend with Yelp API and Node.js. Location uses Google Map Service API. All animation and UI done programmatically
H3 Py NotebooksJupyter notebooks for h3-py, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
UberuxProject that demonstrates the entire animation stack present in the Uber app (android)
Seer🗜 A customizable devtool solution
AthenaxSQL-based streaming analytics platform at scale
Auto Value BundleExtends Autovalue to extract data from a bundle into a value object.
Ridesharing Uber Lyft AppRide-Sharing Uber Lyft Android App - Learn to build a ride-sharing Android Taxi Clone App like Uber, Lyft - Open-Source Project By MindOrks
MettaAn information security preparedness tool to do adversarial simulation.
Didicallcar这是我自己做的一个类似滴滴打车的Android出行项目,主要针对滴滴等出行平台一直饱受质疑的“人车不符”问题,以及当前越发火热的或计划和出海战略,给出行项目增加了下面几个功能: 1. RFID识别验证功能:在司机证件或者车内识别硬件嵌入RFID识别芯片,乘客使用手机读取到芯片信息,并且通过网络发送到出行平台数据库进行验证(我用JNI加了一个C语言的MD5加密算法对识别到的信息进行了加密)。如果不是合规的“人”或“车”,则不能完成订单并向平台或监管单位汇报当前位置。(为了方便读者测试,可以使用手机读取任何一个加密或非加密RFID芯片,比如银行卡、公交卡等,我在代码中的验证前阶段把芯片信息都换成我自己的司机信息,确保读者测试时可以收到服务器的回复) 2. 海外版功能:点击切换当前语言。 3. 司机证件号码识别功能:读取司机证件上的证件号码,也可以用来与出行平台数据库的接单司机信息进行。I complete this whole project on my own . Including Android application programming,web server ( Apache + PHP + MySQL), and UI. 1.Map route planing。You can use mobile phone choose pick up & destination address,application provide address name hint and draw optimized route for user , then call car for you. 2.RFID authentication function:User can use application to scan driver license or other RFID hardware, then use NDK MD5 algorithm encrypt RFID number, and send it to Web Server Database, check with driver information and authenticate ID number , if ID number coherent with driver info , send back driver information to User and continue call car order . record user location and alert if ID not coherent. 3.Driver License Number Recognition : Application can recognize driver license digit number ,and also can send to web server for authentication & feed back result to user.
Probe.glA performance instrumentation logging library for Uber frameworks
CadenceCadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.
Trail Android🚕 Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections.
H3 Jsh3-js provides a JavaScript version of H3, a hexagon-based geospatial indexing system.
SbnetSparse Blocks Networks
Neal🔎🐞 A language-agnostic linting platform
Nebula.glA suite of 3D-enabled data editing overlays, suitable for
H3 PyPython bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
Vehicle In MotionThis is a basic implementation of location listener using Google Maps Api
Hubtaxi Server[Deprecated] HubTaxi - The platform similar Uber, GrabTaxi, EasyTaxi....Willing to help people make dream comes true through building meaningful app [email protected]
AutodisposeAutomatic binding+disposal of RxJava streams.
Uberr UiFlutter UI design for a car booking application
Flutter-UberUber(Rider and Driver) app made using Flutter and Google Firebase.
node-uber-riderA library that helps who wants to use Uber API with fast and easy methods ✨
EasyWayLocationThis library contain all utils related to google location. like, getting lat or long, Address and Location Setting dialog, many more...
UberiOS Ride-Sharing App written in Swift 4 Using Map Kit and Core Data for the data visualization library examples (
IOSIphoneHttpsios超级签-ipa-新版IOS苹果企业签,直接签名直接下载安装,无需进入appstore商城——不需要经过App Store直接下载游戏吗?下载完不知道怎么安装?需要通过第三方软件来安装?绕过苹果检测,测试可以使用HTTPD或者Tomcat构建,使用plist文件