Top 752 Blade open source projects

501. auctioneer
Example application featuring real-time broadcasting.
✭ 17
502. laravel-block-bots
Block crawlers and high traffic users on your site by IP using Redis
503. laravel-cookie-consent
No description, website, or topics provided.
504. laravel-to-uml
Automagically generate UML diagrams of your Laravel code.
✭ 85
505. WhatTheTag
A Laravel 5.5 Photo Tagging Web Application
506. try-laravel-solid
Project to improve your SOLID skills on Laravel Ecossystem
507. web
The SeAT Web Interface
508. Oibrary
Aplikasi Web Perpustakaan
509. react-laravel
A simple crud based laravel app to learn how to use react with laravel.
510. gamify-laravel
Gamification platform (badges and levels) based on Laravel
511. EnglishWorlds
No description, website, or topics provided.
512. xuegushi
513. schemarkdown
The core library for generate Markdown document from database schema.
514. Shopping-Sahuba
Sahuba is an online shopping platform with a slogan of `Sell your products in one click.`. It's main idea is to help people to sell their products online with in a click. Technically it's build on the top of modern web framework like laravel , vue js, GraphQl and so on.
515. laravel-cookie-consent
Make your Laravel app comply with the refuse/accept cookie law
✭ 37
517. laravel-payze
💰 Payment Integration for Laravel with Transactions History and Logs
✭ 27
518. laravel-api
A repository containing a starter kit that can help you develop api in your Laravel applications.
520. laravel-graphql
GraphQL with Laravel Framework
521. socya old
Open-Source membership management software for associations. Association Management System (AMS) or Membership software. 🇫🇷 Logiciel de gestion d'adhérents pour associations Open-Source. Association Management System (AMS) or Membership software.
522. laravel-formbuilder
Laravel Package for Creating a Drag-and-Drop Form Builder Using JQuery Form Builder
525. laravel-instagram-feed
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 113
527. material-admin
Material Design based administration interface for Laravel 5
529. laravel-blocker
Larave Blocker is a middleware interface to block users, emails, ip addresses, domain names, cities, states, countries, continents, and regions from using your application, logging in, or registering. The types of items to be blocked can be extended to what you think via a seed. The items you are blocking have a CRUD interface along with a softd…
✭ 88
530. laravel-roadrunner-in-docker
🚀 An example of Laravel app that runs in a docker container with RoadRunner
531. votelocal
A web app for receiving local voting information via SMS
532. spatie-permissions-demo
Permissions Demo App
✭ 129
533. Laravel-Asset-Stock-Management
Laravel 7 demo project for managing stock in multiple hospitals. Partly generated with
✭ 126
534. Laravel-8-Livewire-CoreUI-Datatables
Laravel CoreUI + Livewire + Datatables (CRUD)
The source code for my personal website.
536. black-dashboard
Black Frontend Preset For Laravel Framework 9.x and Up
537. core
Liman Core allows you to centrally manage all servers in your IT processes remotely, with stable and secure. You can improve the features with expandable extensions and modules.
538. MyVideoManager
A Laravel and Vuejs application for managing Youtube videos
539. laravel-embed
Effortless responsive embeds for videos, slideshows and more.
542. nemid
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 30
543. sample-laravel
⛵ App Platform sample Laravel application.
544. gdoo
Gdoo是基于PHP Laravel框架的开源OA/协同办公平台,包含销售管理、日程安排,进销存、数据分析,强大的自定义能力。改进销售管理模式,提升企业执行效率
545. tencent-map
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 15
546. apiary
A web application to support RoboJackets internal operations
547. laravel-online-payment
Online payment component for Laravel 5+ which supports all Iranian payment gateways
✭ 60
549. Sistema-Clinico--com-Laravel
Sistema de consultas e exames desenvolvido com o framework Php Laravel
✭ 40
550. LaraNuxt
Laravel framework with integrated NuxtJs support, preconfigured for eslint, jest and vuetify.