Top 570 vuejs2 open source projects

H5 Editor
Vue Cnode
🔥Vue.js打造一个开源的CNode社区。CNode by Vue.js
Vue Product Zoomer
Zoom Prodct Image, useful for e-shop website
Vue Examples
Collection of Vue examples for beginner front end developers
Vue Mapbox Gl
A Vue.js component for Mapbox GL JS
Vue Tabs
Simplified bootstrap tabs
Pretty Checkbox Vue
Quickly integrate pretty checkbox components with Vue.js
Vue Scroll
Scroll directive on vue
Vue Axios Github
Vue 全家桶 + axios 前端实现登录拦截、登出、拦截器等功能
Responsive Bootstrap 3 Admin Template based on AdminLTE with vue.js
A blog system built with vue and koa
Vue Fab
Vue Floating Action Button
Vue Element Loading
⏳ Loading inside a container or full screen for Vue.js
Vue2 Scrollbar
The Simplest Pretty Scroll Area Component with custom scrollbar for Vue 2.
Vue2 Perfect Scrollbar
Vue.js wrapper for perfect scrollbar
D3.js vs Vue.js examples
Vue Easy Gantt
A simple Vue.js gantt chart plugin for presenting weekly tasks
Shop Vue
It's just a shopping cart experiment using VueJS.
👉 Responsive ecommerce template 🛒 built with Vue.js and Nuxt.js
Zhihu App
Laravel + Vue.js 开发知乎视频
Vuex Feature Scoped Structure
📈 Feature scoped Vuex modules to have a better organization of business logic code inside Vuex modules based on Large-scale Vuex application structures @3yourmind
Vue Emoji Picker
Very simple, yet powerful, vue emoji picker 🎉🔥🚀
Light Blue Vue Admin
🤘Vue admin dashboard template with stylish transparent design
Vuejs Logger
Provides customizable logging functionality for Vue.js. Compatible with Vue2.
V Uploader
A Vue2 plugin make files upload simple and easier, single file upload with image preview, multiple upload with drag and drop
Vue Element Starter
Vue starter with Element-UI [READY, unmaintained now]
V Bar
The virtual responsive crossbrowser scrollbar component for VueJS 2x
Array Explorer
⚡️ A resource to help figure out what JavaScript array method would be best to use at any given time
Vue Clip
Simple and hackable file uploader for VueJs. Supports Vue >= 2.1
Boilerplate template using Vue.js, TypeScript and .NET Core 2.1, based on SOLID design principles
Vue Analytics
Google Universal Analytics support in Vue.js
Recall App
🖼️ An open-source and decentralized alternative to Google Photos built on top of Blockstack
Paascloud Login Web
模拟商城,完整的购物流程、后端运营平台,使用 spring cloud + vue 全家桶实现快速搭建企业级微服务项目
🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
Easy Dnd
A drag and drop implementation for Vue.js 2
Vue Easytable
🍉 Table Component/ Data Grid / Data Table.Support Virtual Scroll,Column Fixed,Header Fixed,Header Grouping,Filter,Sort,Cell Ellipsis,Row Expand,Row Checkbox ...
A Vuejs 2 adapter for Visjs
Vue Blocks
Vue2 dataflow graph editor
Todo Vue
Code for YouTube series on building a Todo App in Vue.js
Feathers Vue
A boiler plate template using Feathers with Email Verification, Vue 2 with Server Side Rendering, stylus, scss, jade, babel, webpack, ES 6-8, login form, user authorization, and SEO
🎒Vue.js 初步进阶案例,路由懒加载,进入页面前登录判断,返回导航判断,RestAPI接口使用,组件封装,Vuex状态封装,keep-alive页面缓存等功能
Json Schema Editor
JSON Schema Editor is an intuitive editor for JSON schema. It provides a tree view to present the structure of schema, and a property inspector to edit the properties of schema element. Develop with Vue.js 2 and Firebase.
Vue Auth
A simple light-weight authentication library for Vue.js
Awesome Vue Storefront
🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Vue Storefront
Vue Trello
Trello clone with Vue.js for educational purposes
Weex Vue Starter Kit
weex starter kit in vue to use weexpack & weex both.(support hot-reload)
A vuejs based dashboard framework
Vue Draggable Resizable
Vue2 Component for draggable and resizable elements.
Go Vue Starter
Starter project - Golang api, Vue.js client with user management and jwt authentication
Vue Dragscroll
A vue directive to make a scrollable element scroll by draging to the scroll direction
1-60 of 570 vuejs2 projects