Laravel GitscrumGitScrum is a Project Management Tool, developed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, managers, and teams Skyrocket their Productivity with the Agile methodology and Gamification.
LaracrudLaravel Code Generator based on MySQL Database
Auth TestsAlways-current tests for Laravel's authentication system. Curated by the community.
Laravel AuthLaravel 8 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap 4]( This also makes full use of Controllers for the routes, templates for the views, and makes use of middleware for routing. The project can be stood u…
WagonwheelOffer an online version of your Laravel emails to users.
BlogetcEasily add a full Laravel blog (with built in admin panel and public views) to your laravel project with this simple package.
Pingcrm React⚛️ Ping CRM React - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and React (hosted on a heroku free dyno).
Olaindex✨ Another OneDrive Directory Index
BladeUse Blade templates without the full Laravel framework
Laragym A laravel gym management system
CrudboosterLaravel CRUD Generator, Make an Advanced Web Application Quickly
HrmsHuman Resource Management System automation using Laravel 5.2
ThumbnailThumbnail for a given video using FFMpeg
Laravel Verify New EmailThis package adds support for verifying new email addresses: when a user updates its email address, it won't replace the old one until the new one is verified.
LaraupdaterEnable Laravel App Self-Update. Allow your Laravel Application to auto-update itself.
Pingcrm Svelte🦊 Ping CRM Svelte - A demo app to illustrate how Inertia.js works with Laravel and Svelte (hosted on a heroku free dyno).
Gtradera trading strategy trainer, back-tester and bot
BackupMySQL Database backup package for Laravel
Laravel Potionlaravel - Potion is a pure PHP asset manager for Laravel 5 based off of Assetic.
Laravel Qrcode EcommerceThis is a complete laravel project that handles qrcodes, payments, api/microservices, and ecommerce
LarawizLarawiz is a easy project scaffolder for Laravel
Laravel StagerLaravel Stager State Machine, Its purpose is to add state machine functionality to models
SnoozeA package to simplify automating future notifications and reminders in Laravel
Laravel Code GeneratorAn intelligent code generator for Laravel framework that will save you time! This awesome tool will help you generate resources like views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages and/or form-requests! It is extremely flexible and customizable to cover many on the use cases. It is shipped with cross-browsers compatible template, along with a client-side validation to modernize your application.
CraterOpen Source Invoicing Solution for Individuals & Businesses
UlearnULEARN - Open Source(FREE) LMS script in Laravel 5.8 and ReactJS 16.9
AgorakitOrganization tool for citizen's collectives
Laravel Form ComponentsA set of Blade components to rapidly build forms with Tailwind CSS (v1.0 and v2.0) and Bootstrap 4. Supports validation, model binding, default values, translations, Laravel Livewire, includes default vendor styling and fully customizable!
Borgert CmsBorgert is a CMS Open Source created with Laravel Framework 5.6