Top 566 cython open source projects

201. ne-spectrum
A Unifying Perspective on Neighbor Embeddings along the Attraction-Repulsion Spectrum
202. stellaris-dashboard
A graph dashboard and event log for the video game Stellaris.
203. python-javabridge
Python wrapper for the Java Native Interface
204. pawpyseed
Parallel C/Python package for numerical analysis of PAW DFT wavefunctions
205. am-parser
Modular implementation of an AM dependency parser in AllenNLP.
206. X-Entropy
This package is meant to calculate the dihedral entropy of a biomolecule. However, it can also calculate the entropy of any binnable data or simply the KDE of that data.
207. moshpp
Motion and Shape Capture from Sparse Markers
208. TailorNet dataset
[CVPR 2020] Dataset of "TailorNet: Predicting Clothing in 3D as a Function of Human Pose, Shape and Garment Style"
209. reina-model
Agent-based simulation model for COVID-19 spread in society and patient outcomes
210. openpilot
Buy me a beer if you like!
211. fast-alphazero-general
A clean implementation based on Expert Iterations for any game, inspired by alpha-zero-general
215. larch
Larch: a Python tool for choice modeling
216. aiotone
A demo of using AsyncIO for music sequencing
217. source
The main source repository for the Raysect project.
218. RIDet
[GRSL 2021] Official code for paper "Optimization for Oriented Object Detection via Representation Invariance Loss".
219. stretch ros
ROS-related code for the Stretch RE1 mobile manipulator from Hello Robot Inc.
220. zydis-py
Zydis Python Bindings (Work In Progress)
221. amazon-ray
Staging area for ongoing enhancements to Ray focused on improving integration with AWS and other Amazon technologies.
222. Async-Channel
Python async multi-task communication library. Used by OctoBot project.
223. python-dtrace
A Python DTrace consumer using libdtrace - Now Python can be used as DTrace Provider and Consumer...
224. raypier optics
A raytracing toolkit for optical design
225. dnaio
Read and write FASTQ and FASTA efficiently from Python
226. Point-supervised-crowd-detection
A Self-Training Approach for Point-Supervised Object Detection and Counting in Crowds
227. SpaceVecAlg
Implementation of spatial vector algebra with the Eigen3 linear algebra library.
228. openpilot
openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 85 supported car makes and models.
230. mpf-mc
The Mission Pinball Framework Media Controller. Controls graphics, sounds, DMDs, and LCD displays in MPF.
231. ClearMap2
ClearMap 2.0 with WobblyStitcher, TubeMap and CellMap
232. cftime
Time-handling functionality from netcdf4-python.
233. rencode
Python module for fast (basic) object serialization similar to bencode
234. BARS
Towards open benchmarking for recommender systems
235. reacnetgenerator
an automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation
236. ProposeReduce
Video Instance Segmentation with a Propose-Reduce Paradigm (ICCV 2021)
238. pydl8.5
An algorithm for learning optimal decision trees, with Python interface
239. NeuroSEED
Implementation of Neural Distance Embeddings for Biological Sequences (NeuroSEED) in PyTorch (NeurIPS 2021)
240. PIMNet Internal Environment Recognition
No description, website, or topics provided.
241. testing debugging profiling
Material for the class "Testing, debugging, profiling -- Python tools for building software"
243. snarf
Official code release for ICCV 2021 paper SNARF: Differentiable Forward Skinning for Animating Non-rigid Neural Implicit Shapes.
244. pegasus
A tool for analyzing trascriptomes of millions of single cells.
247. openpilot
FOR PRE-AP/AP1/AP2 TESLA CARS ONLY: open source driving agent. You can help development by donating @
248. dysgu
dysgu-SV is a collection of tools for calling structural variants using short or long reads
249. python-libzim
Python 3.6-3.10 binding for Libzim