Top 2045 GLSL open source projects

551. BrandonsCore
No description, website, or topics provided.
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552. position-based-dynamics
Position-Based Dynamics in OpenCL, homework in Stanford's CS348C
553. VRKeyboard
A demonstration of a VR Keyboard using Leap hand tracking tech.
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554. PositionBasedFluids
Working clone of pbd based fluids by Korzen
555. java6-android-gldemos
Provides concise examples of modern OpenGL / ES with Java and Android.
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556. GodotToonShader
An implementation of a custom toon shader made with Godot shading language.
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558. UtopianEngine
A game engine in early development
561. Hakchi-Retroarch-Neo-1.7.0
Neo build of Hakchi Retroarch 1.7.0
562. GigaVoxels
An early development version of the GigaVoxels library.
564. Imagine stealthbot
Get the assets and code here, and then follow our Stealthbot tutorial to learn more about how to work with Unity, C#, and Visual Studio to complete this game! Microsoft Imagine connects you with the tools and knowledge you need to create, code, and develop your ideas.
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565. go-pong
A Pong clone made from scratch with Go and C using OpenGL 3.3
568. android-push-sdk
UPYUN Android 推流 SDK
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569. LSDView
Data file viewer for LSD Dream Emulator.
570. MixedReality-WorldLockingTools-Unity
Unity tools to provide a stable coordinate system anchored to the physical world.
571. Foton
Foton: an interactive Vulkan graphics engine with an asyncronous Python scripting environment
573. glaw
OpenGL based Common Lisp game toolkit
574. 3DGameProgrammingTutorial
Code for thebennybox 3D Game Programming Tutorial ( )
575. LearnOpenGL.hs examples ported to Haskell
576. Nightfall
A custom skin for Unnamed SDVX Clone (USC)
577. glr
Graphics Language Renderer
578. three-loader
Point cloud loader for ThreeJS, based on the core parts of Potree
579. Tomb1Main
Open source re-implementation of Tomb Raider 1 (1996), along with additional enhancements and bugfixes
580. SimpleFogOfWar
Unity3D - Easy to use Fog Of War
581. Tiled4Unity
Import Tiled Map Editor (TMX) files into Unity
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582. uProcessing
Processing for Unity (Processing like MonoBehaviour)
584. Rvcg
R-package providing mesh manipulation routines from VCGLIB
585. CodeLabs-GameDev-2-UnityWin10
Lighting Up Your Unity Game on Windows 10
586. Symbinode
Free and open source program for creating procedural materials.
587. SuperSpaceArcade-Classic
Unity3D based arcade style voxel shooter in space, with explosions and powerups. Simply the best computer game on the planet, in space.
588. playground
a WebGL experience, Music Visualizer with Nostalgia Feels build with ThreeJS
589. Unity-OverrideEye For UnityChan
This is the script and shader to render the eye in front of the hair at Unity5 for UnityChan.
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590. glsl-conditionals
Functions designed to avoid conditionals ported to glslify
591. Epsilon-Engine
Next-gen general purpose game engine written in modern C++
592. Dynamic-Sprite-Color-Swap-Shader
No description, website, or topics provided.
593. vk compute mipmaps
Customizable compute shader for fast cache-aware mipmap generation
594. RTWG
The Real-Time World Generation projekt aims to provide a tool for world/terrain generation based on prozedural algorithmes and cellular automata simulation.
595. EMUstack
EMUstack is an open-source simulation package for calculating light propagation through multi-layered stacks of dispersive, lossy, nanostructured, optical media. It implements a generalised scattering matrix method, which extends the physical intuition of thin film optics to complex structures.
596. gl vk bk3dthreaded
Vulkan sample rendering 3D with 'worker-threads'
597. flutter arcore plugin
A Flutter plugin for Android allowing to recongize images via ARCore
598. nap
NAP Framework source code
599. goeld
Göld: Löve for Goldsrc
600. VRC-Cancerspace
Cancerous screenspace shader for VRChat. Please use responsibly. :^)