Top 2045 GLSL open source projects

651. ImAxes
Immersive visualisation tool for multidimensional data
653. LSDDemo
Android LSD demo (jniLibs are from lsd_slam
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654. QtAseman
A set of C++ and QML tools and modules that helps you develop your projects easier and better.
655. Mycraft
A minecraft clone project based on modern OpenGL completed in ZJU computer graphics course.
656. regl-line-builder
Draw pretty lines in WebGL with the Canvas2D API.
657. surfman
A cross-platform, low-level toolkit for GPU surface management
658. OpenGL Raytracing
No description, website, or topics provided.
659. CubeMiniGame
HomeBrew C++ 3D Game Engine based on OpenGL & Vulkan
660. Unity-sample-code-to-display-projectile-trajectory-path
Main objective of this tutorial is to display projectile trajectory path in unity 2d or 3d.
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661. EQEmuMaps
EQEmuMap .map and .path reference files for the internal EQEmu Server functions
662. combustion
Combustion Game Engine in Rust
664. UnityMMO-Resource
use in project : UnityMMO
665. Fake-Interior-Shader-for-GodotEngine
Interior Mapping shader for the Godot Game Engine 3.x that works with both GLES3 and GLES2.
666. broken seals
An open source third person action RPG with multiplayer support.
667. CUDAPathTracerRL
Monte Carlo based path tracer with both CPU(with openMP) and GPU support(with CUDA and Reinforcement Learning optimization). RL ideas from NVidia paper: Learning Light Transport the reinforced way
668. gl-geometry
A flexible wrapper for gl-vao and gl-buffer that you can use to set up renderable WebGL geometries from a variety of different formats.
669. webgpu-bcmc
WebGPU Data-Parallel Block-Compressed Marching Cubes Isosurface Extraction
670. UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project
UTS2-AC - UnityChanToonShaderVer2 Project / v.2.0.4+ - Different vrchat support, lighting manipulation, and style.
671. MC-Render360
Renders Minecraft in 360 degrees
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674. Yalantis-Series
a collection of Yalantis Android Demo
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675. M8WebDisplay
Display for headless M8 tracker
676. OpenMfxForBlender
A branch of Blender featuring an OpenMfx modifier
677. lirith
Graphics engine written in Crystal.
678. fhir-shc-vaccination-ig
FHIR Implementation Guide describing clinical and patient data contained within a SMART Health Card
679. post-process
A generic GLSL post-processing module for applying super-speedy GPU effects to img/video/canvas elements.
680. Substance
Substance Shaders for UE4 Mobile
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681. prism
A 3D game engine written in crystal
682. vtm
OpenGL vector map library - running on Android, iOS, Desktop and browser.
683. Sdg
2D Engine for Kha
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684. gocoder-sdk-samples-ios
Sample apps for iOS that demonstrate the capabilities of the Wowza GoCoder™ SDK.
685. Ray-Tracing-Gems-II
Source Code for "Ray Tracing Gems II: Next Generation Real-Time Rendering with DXR, Vulkan, and OptiX" by Adam Marrs, Peter Shirley, and Ingo Wald
686. diewald fluid
processing library - fluid-simulation
687. TransformersMod
No description, website, or topics provided.
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688. covid-19
COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2 FHIR Profiles Implementation Guide (IG)
689. Kawase
Kawase dual filter blur for GameMaker Studio 2
690. Rurtle
Turtle graphics in Rust (work in progress)
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691. WoWMap
No description, website, or topics provided.
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692. godot-fancy-scene-changes
Scene transitions library for Godot.
693. Velodyne ObjectDetection ROS
This code is object detection code using velodyne. Object points are extracted from background points that is set in initialize step.
694. LearnopenglQt
Qt OpenGL learning
695. Unity-Metaballs-2D
Implementation of 2D Metaballs with marching squares in Unity.
696. GZDoom-GPL
GZDoom-GPL is a GPL-compliant fork of GZDoom.
697. feenox
A free finite-element tool with a particular design basis
698. FlyingTokyo19
Cinder C++ Workshop at Rhizomatiks - FlyingTokyo19 - May 2016
699. Pyramid
opengl es绘制金字塔,通过shader文件进行索引绘制以及模型矩阵的变换,让金字塔绕x轴,y轴,z轴旋转。注释详细,可作为opengl es入门参考案例。
700. Entropy
Astronomy staged as a live immersive performance