Top 289 Mathematica open source projects

101. SystemModeling
Mathematical and programming models of different (dynamic) systems.
104. TimelineSignalsTutorial
Small game demo to showcase Timeline Signals
105. helga
Pipeline repo for our diploma movie with the working title "Helga". Contains the script environment for our DCCs like Maya, Houdini, Nuke etc.
106. swarmalators
Source code for "Oscillators that sync and swarm" paper --
107. ncov-phylodynamics
Phylodynamic estimation of nCoV incidence and prevalence
108. multiple-target-tracking
Tracking unknown number of 2D targets/sources
109. CUMCM Problem A 2000
110. webVR-playing-with
a few linked webVR experiments
111. timbral models
Python scripts for modelling timbral attributes
112. simflight
Simulation environment for flight systems
113. LTemplate
Extend Mathematica with LibraryLink and C++ with ease
115. asp
Adaptive Superpixels (DASP, SLIC, ...)
116. blinky
Example LED blinking project for your FPGA dev board of choice
117. Mathematica-ThreeJS-graphics-engine
A parser for Wolfram Mathematica's Graphics3D functions (written in JS)
119. learning-programming-languages
👨🏻‍🎓 Playground for learning programming languages
120. kld-affine
A collection of classes used in affine geometry
121. wikiLingo
The Wiki Programming Language
122. Spiderverse-Shader-Unity
Spider-verse inspired image effect shader
124. miniagda
A prototypical dependently typed languages with sized types and variances
125. scratched
An OSL shader that generates texture to make swirly micro scratch look by controlling the anistropy and roughness.
126. RISE toolbox
Solution and estimation of Markov Switching Rational Expectations / DSGE Models
127. source2-mod
No description, website, or topics provided.
128. libScarab
An Implementation of the Fully Homomorphic Smart-Vercauteren Cryptosystem
131. Geometric-Algebra
Mathematica packages for geometric algebra
132. ReStocked
Kerbal Space Program Art Revamp
133. PJLink
JLink but for python: a link between Mathematica and python with efficient data transfer
134. RASPA2
Classical molecular simulation code
135. Mathematica-Voice-Kernel-Codes
No description, website, or topics provided.
136. google-ctf-2019
My attempt at google ctf 2019 beginner's quest
137. network-similarity
Code base for my master's thesis.
138. mathematics-and-computation
Andrej Bauer's blog "Mathematics and Computation"
139. LBM-classic
C implementation of the classical lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) using the D2Q9 and D3Q19 models
140. Splatoon-Ink
Recreating the Ink System from Splatoon
141. AzureOptimizationEngine
The Azure Optimization Engine is an extensible solution designed to generate optimization recommendations for your Azure environment. See it like a fully customizable Azure Advisor.
142. fcla
"A First Course in Linear Algebra" open source textbook
143. URPLearn
A project used for learning Unity Universal Render Pipeline
144. MaterialModels
User material models for Abaqus (UMAT)
147. Mathpix
Mathpix API in Mathematica
149. Health-Bar
Project files for our tutorial on how to create a health bar in Unity.
101-150 of 289 Mathematica projects