Top 55 Bicep open source projects

2. Azure Sdk For Net
This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at or our versioned developer docs at
5. durable-functions-producer-consumer
Uses Durable Functions' fan out pattern to load N messages across M sessions into various Azure Storage/Messaging services. Includes the ability to consume the messages with another Azure Function & load timing data in to Event Hubs for ingestion in to analytics services like Azure Data Explorer
6. azure-cross-solution-network-architectures
This is a repo of cross solution network designs with Azure PaaS and on-premise connectivity
✭ 116
7. nodejs-demoapp
Simple demo Node.js Express web app for deploying to Azure, Docker etc
8. TeamCloud
Enable enterprise development teams to create secure compliant cloud development environments.
9. vm-scale-sets
A repo for managed Azure VM scale sets, including preview programs and reporting issues.
10. wvd
Windows Virtual Desktop related ARM Templates, Bicep Files and PowerShell scripts.
11. az104
Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Crash Course
12. chatr
Chat app using Azure Web PubSub, Static Web Apps and other Azure services
13. azure-policy-as-code
Bicep and Terraform code examples for policy-as-code workflows. Azure governance guardrails and automation - by @jesseloudon
14. data-product-batch
Template to deploy a Data Product for Batch data processing into a Data Landing Zone of the Data Management & Analytics Scenario (former Enterprise-Scale Analytics). The Data Product template can be used by cross-functional teams to ingest, provide and create new data assets within the platform.
15. mslearn-mr-adt-in-unity
This is a repo that holds the sample code for the Mixed Reality and Azure Digital Twins in Unity Learn Path
16. next-azure
A Create Next App example repo including a sample Next.js app and Azure DevOps Pipeline for CI/CD to Azure app services.
20. Presentations
Holds all of the presentations that I have given - Please feel free to use the slides and code as you see fit. All I ask is that you let me know and that you have a small attribution to me
21. react-clock-basic
A basic clock that displays the current date and time
22. southwind
Signum Framework solution example (versioning MS Northwind)
23. container-apps-store-api-microservice
Sample microservices solution using Azure Container Apps, Dapr, Cosmos DB, and Azure API Management
24. azure.policy
Sample ARM and Bicep templates for Azure policy and policy initiative definitions
25. CloudNativeBootcamp
Projects from the Cloudskills Cloud Native Bootcamp
26. opnazure
This template allows you to deploy an OPNsense Firewall Azure VM using the opnsense-bootsrtap installation method
27. container-apps-dotnet-eventing
Azure Container App sample for building event driven containers using Azure Service Bus and Azure Event Hubs
28. ade
Azure Demo Environment
29. aks-baseline-regulated
This is the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) baseline cluster for regulated workloads reference implementation as produced by the Microsoft Azure Architecture Center.
30. AzTS-docs
No description, website, or topics provided.
31. AzureOptimizationEngine
The Azure Optimization Engine is an extensible solution designed to generate optimization recommendations for your Azure environment. See it like a fully customizable Azure Advisor.
32. TeamsFx
Developer tools for building Teams apps
33. azure-synapse-analytics-end2end
Azure Analytics End to End with Azure Synapse - Deployment Accelerator
34. DevOpsMC
DevOps Master Class Public Repo
35. aks-workshops
No description, website, or topics provided.
36. reddog-containerapps
Azure Container App implementation of the reddog demo, brought to you by the Cloud Native Global Black Belt Team.
37. Insights
Gather insights about public package data
38. blogsamples
Samples from the posted on the blog.
39. az700
Exam AZ-700: Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions Crash Course
40. timewarp-templates
A distributed application template for dotnet. Utilizing Blazor, Web API, gRPC, Tye, YARP etc.
41. data-product-streaming
Template to deploy a Data Product for data stream processing into a Data Landing Zone of the Data Management & Analytics Scenario (former Enterprise-Scale Analytics). The Data Product template can be used by cross-functional teams to ingest, provide and create new data assets within the platform.
42. purviewlab
✭ 97
43. Hadoop-Migrations
Hadoop Migrations to Azure
✭ 21
44. samples
No description, website, or topics provided.
45. data-landing-zone
Template to deploy a single Data Landing Zone of the Data Management & Analytics Scenario (former Enterprise-Scale Analytics). The Data Landing Zone is a logical construct and a unit of scale in the architecture that enables data retention and execution of data workloads for generating insights and value with data.
46. The-Azure-Cloud-Native-Architecture-Mapbook
The Azure Cloud Native Architecture Mapbook, published by Packt
47. blue-green-with-containerapps
This is a demo scenario for implementing continuous blue/green deployments on containerapps using GitHub actions
48. container-apps-connect-multiple-apps
Azure Sample showing how to connect and call multiple container apps within the same environment. Shows the approach to use both with and without Dapr.
50. az-hop
The Azure HPC On-Demand Platform provides an HPC Cluster Ready solution
1-50 of 55 Bicep projects