Top 1067 Nix open source projects

251. AURIS
A new, open source mission control system in Haskell
252. inductive-mazes
Code for my blog post "Generating Mazes with Inductive Graphs"
✭ 34
253. nix-workshop
Material for the Nix Workshop at Haskell eXchange 2017
✭ 23
254. hex2nix
A tool to automatically convert Hex packages to the Nix Expression format
256. covid-scrapers
No description, website, or topics provided.
✭ 13
257. asls
A front-end independent language server for AssemblyScript
258. monadoptics
Profunctor optics for the endofunctor category on Hask
✭ 25
260. elm-doc
Generate static documentation of your Elm project.
✭ 29
261. nixpkgs-python
nixpkgs-python is automatically (via pypi2nix) managed collection of nix+python expressions
262. auron
Theoretical Next Gen™ automation for (DO NOT USE)
263. motoko
Simple high-level language for writing Internet Computer canisters
265. intero-nix-shim
Intero Haskell IDE with Nix instead of Stack
266. ghcjs-base
base library for GHCJS for JavaScript interaction and marshalling, used by higher level libraries like JSC
267. harg
Haskell program configuration using higher kinded data
268. gerbil-poo
Prototype Object Orientation for Gerbil Scheme
✭ 15
269. LearnOpenGL.hs examples ported to Haskell
271. haskell-oidc-client
OpenID Connect 1.0 client (RP) library for Haskell
272. metac
MetaContainer - share access to your files/desktops/USB devices securely (version 2)
273. reflex-project-skeleton
No description, website, or topics provided.
275. vault-plugin-secrets-github
Create ephemeral, finely-scoped @github access tokens using @hashicorp Vault.
276. nixos-docker-sd-image-builder
Build custom SD images of NixOS for your Raspberry Pi (or any other supported AArch64 device) in 5-20 minutes.
277. nixos-up
The fastest NixOS install there is! 🏎️🏁
✭ 142
278. supautils
PostgreSQL extension that prevents doing ALTER/DROP/GRANT on a set of reserved roles.
279. log4shell-tools
Tool that runs a test to check whether one of your applications is affected by the recent vulnerabilities in log4j: CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046
282. olympus-contracts
No description, website, or topics provided.
284. purescript-halogen-select
Building blocks for common selection user interfaces in PureScript & Halogen
285. Cow
Semantic Version Control mk II.
✭ 38
286. canonix
Experiment in Nix formatting
288. knock
Convert ACSM files to DRM-free EPUB files with one command on Linux
289. hours
Utility for showing hours worked within a work month against a target
290. nix-gui
Use NixOS Without Coding
291. transclusion-minor-mode
emacs minor mode for org-mode file transclusion using embedded overlays
292. rel8
Hey! Hey! Can u rel8?
294. matplotlib-haskell
Haskell bindings for Python's Matplotlib
295. os-lectures-build
Automated builds of
296. high-quality-nix-content
GitHub repository containing highest quality Nix/NixOS content
297. paddle
A library simplifying LDAP usage in Elixir projects
299. nix
Efforts for packaging the Rust for Linux project with the Nix package manager
✭ 50
300. nixpkgs-stackage
Stackage overlay for Nixpkgs