Top 16641 objective c open source projects

353. Hubframework
DEPRECATED – Spotify’s component-driven UI framework for iOS
354. Deepdiff
🦀Amazingly incredible extraordinary lightning fast diffing in Swift
355. Popover
Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
356. Noah
Bash on Ubuntu on macOS
357. Ios Echarts
No description, website, or topics provided.
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359. Overshare Kit
A soup-to-nuts sharing library for iOS.
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360. Nocilla
Testing HTTP requests has never been easier. Nocilla: Stunning HTTP stubbing for iOS and Mac OS X.
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361. Sjvideoplayer
iOS VideoPlayer MediaPlayer video player media player 短视频播放器 可接入 ijkplayer aliplayer alivodplayer plplayer
362. Mpfoldtransition
Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers
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363. Pinterestswift
This is a Swift based demo project to show how to make the transition Pinterest liked.
364. Swifthttp
Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
365. Ios Images Extractor
A Mac app to decode and extract images from iOS apps, support png/jpg/ipa/ files.
366. Lxreorderablecollectionviewflowlayout
Extends `UICollectionViewFlowLayout` to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook.
367. React Native Track Player
A fully fledged audio module created for music apps. Provides audio playback, external media controls, chromecast support, background mode and more!
368. Gapid
GAPID is a collection of tools that allows you to inspect, tweak and replay calls from an application to a graphics driver.
369. Aranalytics
Simplify your iOS/Mac analytics
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371. Asvaluetrackingslider
A UISlider subclass that displays the slider value in a popup view
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372. Kxmenu
KxMenu is a vertical popup menu for using in iOS applications
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373. Notchkit
A simple way to hide the notch on the iPhone X
374. Simplest ffmpeg mobile
ffmpeg examples in Android / IOS / WinPhone
375. Xtrace
Trace Objective-C method calls by class or instance
376. Libui Node
Node bindings for libui, an awesome native UI library for Unix, OSX and Windows
377. Nw.js
Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
379. React Native Macos
[deprecated in favor of] React Native for macOS is an experimental fork for writing desktop apps using Cocoa
380. Mantle
Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
381. Clashx
No description, website, or topics provided.
382. Jspatch
JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to hotfix iOS App.
385. Vassonic
VasSonic is a lightweight and high-performance Hybrid framework developed by tencent VAS team, which is intended to speed up the first screen of websites working on Android and iOS platform.
386. Knsemimodalviewcontroller
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387. Fastttcamera
Fasttt and easy camera framework for iOS with customizable filters
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388. Mgboxkit
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more
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389. Ios Twitter Image Pipeline
Twitter Image Pipeline is a robust and performant image loading and caching framework for iOS clients
390. Macruby
MacRuby is an implementation of Ruby 1.9 directly on top of Mac OS X core technologies such as the Objective-C runtime and garbage collector, the LLVM compiler infrastructure and the Foundation and ICU frameworks.
391. Sharekit
Drop in sharing features for all iPhone and iPad apps
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393. Apikit
Type-safe networking abstraction layer that associates request type with response type.
394. Intentkit
An easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps.
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395. Vtmagic
VTMagic is a page container library for iOS.
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396. Twmessagebarmanager
An iOS manager for presenting system-wide notifications via a dropdown message bar.
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397. Qbimagepicker
A clone of UIImagePickerController with multiple selection support.
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398. Routable Ios
Routable, an in-app native URL router, for iOS
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399. Flutter app
400. Helm
Helm - a free polyphonic synth with lots of modulation
351-400 of 16641 objective c projects