DrawerviewA drop-in view, to be used as a drawer anywhere in your app
NativepopupClone of Apple iOS App's feedback popup, and easily customizable.
Noticebar😍A simple NoticeBar written by Swift 3, similar with QQ notice view.
ParchmentA paging view controller with a highly customizable menu ✨
PvviewA small library that helps you to make an amazing parallax view
Mycoretextlabel图文混排 , 实现图片文字混排 , 可显示常规链接比如网址,@,#话题#,手机号 , 邮箱号等 , 可以自定义链接字,设置关键字高亮等功能 . 适用于微博,微信,IM聊天对话等场景 . 实现这些功能仅用了几百行代码,耦合性也较低
LmmediaplayerA video and audio player with replaceable UI component.
Lovefreshpeakapp ocIOS电商购物APP: 爱鲜蜂OC版,规范的代码风格,使用Masonry布局适配所有ios机型 Shopping e-commerce projects, using automatic layout, suitable for any Ios model Website ;
Wobbly(Animate CSS) animations for iOS. An easy to use library of iOS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
TangerineSwift µframework for fetching images 🍊
Swiftui TutorialsA code example and translation project of SwiftUI. / 一个 SwiftUI 的示例、翻译的教程项目。
EurekaElegant iOS form builder in Swift
PoliopagerA flexible TabBarController with search tab like SNKRS.
PinlayoutFast Swift Views layouting without auto layout. No magic, pure code, full control and blazing fast. Concise syntax, intuitive, readable & chainable. [iOS/macOS/tvOS/CALayer]
BpstatusbaralertBPStatusBarAlert is a library that allows you to easily make text-based alert that appear on the status bar and below navigation bar.
Hwpopcontrollerpop up your ViewController with custom size, position and animations
AiolosA floating panel for your iOS Apps
BodenPurely native C++ cross-platform GUI framework for Android and iOS development. https://www.boden.io
FlexlayoutFlexLayout adds a nice Swift interface to the highly optimized facebook/yoga flexbox implementation. Concise, intuitive & chainable syntax.
SlidingtabbarA custom TabBar view with sliding animation written in Swift.
Skautoscrolllabel Automatically scrolling UILabel with both horizontal/vertical MARQUEE effects and gradient gradients on the edges. Gradient fading is used on the edge of the scroll to solve the problem of the hard edges of the rolling edge. The overall effect is a natural and easy to use.
Summerslider🍭 SummerSlider that can distinguish the parts where the advertisement of the video player comes out
Cocoaasyncsocket demo基于AsyncSocket搭建即时通讯体系 . 包含TCP连接 , 消息发送 , 消息接收 , 心跳处理 ,断网重连 , 消息超时 , 消息分发 , 数据库结构设计 , 消息丢失等 . 以及UI设计, 文本表情消息/语音消息/图片消息/视频消息/文件消息/撤回消息/提示语消息的实现思路讲解
LihalertAdvance animated alerts for iOS written in Swift
CardviewlistAn elegant and responsive CardView like Android on iOS with Swift. Available horizontal and vertical scrolling with full animations and customizable.
Pulsarkit PulsarKit is a simple and beautiful wrapper around the official UICollectionView API written in pure Swift
TbactionsheetA Custom&Powerful Action Sheet For iOS. 一个 ActionSheet 满足所有样式!超高自由度的可定制!
CascadingtabledelegateA no-nonsense way to write cleaner UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource in Swift.
ParadeParallax Scroll-Jacking Effects Engine for iOS / tvOS
HwpanmodalHWPanModal presents controller from bottom and drag to dismiss, high customize. iOS13 default modalPresentationStyle. 任意形式的底部弹框动画;头条、知乎、抖音弹出评论效果;地图浮层,iOS13 present默认模态效果。
SwiftoverlaysSwiftOverlays is a Swift GUI library for displaying various popups and notifications
IosprojectiOS project of collected some demos for iOS App, use Objective-C
Mkdropdownmenu🔻 Dropdown Menu for iOS with many customizable parameters to suit any needs
Example Ios Apps A curated list of Open Source example iOS apps developed in Swift. An amazing list for people who are beginners and learning ios development and for ios developers who need any example app or feature.
Swiftui ArchitecturesThree different architectures (Model-View, Redux, MVVM) for using SwiftUI implemented at the example of a chat app