Top 41 bucklescript open source projects

1. Ocaml Language Server
A language server for OCaml and related languages
2. Styled Ppx
Typed styled components in Reason, OCaml and ReScript
3. Relude
FP-inspired prelude/standard library for ReasonML projects
5. Reason Urql
Reason bindings for Formidable's Universal React Query Library, urql.
6. Bastet
A ReasonML/Ocaml library for category theory and abstract algebra
7. Bs Fetch
Fetch bindings for BuckleScript
10. Graphql Ppx
GraphQL language primitives for ReScript/ReasonML written in ReasonML
12. Add Reason
✨🐢 Dead simple tool for seamlessly integrating ReasonML into existing JavaScript projects.
13. Fullstack Reason
A demo project that shows a fullstack ReasonML/OCaml app–native binary + webapp
14. Rebolt
Framework for developing apps in ReasonML
15. Bs Blabla
BuckleScript `[@bs.blabla]` attributes explained with examples
16. Bs Loader
📻 Bucklescript loader for Webpack and Jest
17. Rescript Recoil
Zero-cost bindings to Facebook's Recoil library
99 problems with reason(able) solutions.
19. Routes
typed bidirectional routes for OCaml/ReasonML web applications
21. Introduce Reason Example
An example app made with Create React App which introduces a Reason component
22. Restyled
Styled Components concept for Reason React, only works with bs-react-native for now
23. Bsdoc
📚 Documentation Generator for BuckleScript
24. Bucklescript Phx
BuckleScript binding for Phoenix Channel/Presence
25. Bs Enzyme
Bucklescript bindings for Enzyme
26. Montecarlo
Portfolio simulation running in a OCaml web worker
29. Gentype
Auto generation of idiomatic bindings between Reason and JavaScript: either vanilla or typed with TypeScript/FlowType.
30. Reason Scripts
🔰 Create a ReasonML and React development environment
33. Reasonablytyped
💠 Converts Flow and TypeScript definitions to Reason interfaces
34. Wonka
🎩 A fast push & pull stream library for Reason, OCaml, and TypeScript
35. Sketch Sh - Online Code Editor and ReasonML community
36. Graphql ppx
GraphQL PPX rewriter for Bucklescript/ReasonML
37. Bs Webapi Incubator
BuckleScript bindings to the DOM and other Web APIs
38. Rationale
Ramda inspired library of helper functions for ReasonML
40. Bs Json
Compositional JSON encode/decode library for BuckleScript
41. Bs Jest
BuckleScript bindings for Jest
1-41 of 41 bucklescript projects