RantlyRuby Imperative Random Data Generator and Quickcheck
Reeseunitydemos Unity packages and demos—emphasizing ECS, jobs and the Burst compiler—by me, Reese.
SometimesA few hacks n' helpers to make your code more fun and unpredictable.
Insight🔮 Easy access to model information for various model objects
QcheckQuickCheck inspired property-based testing for OCaml.
Nanoid A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust
NyayaRandom Data Generation and/or Property Testing in Scala & Scala.JS.
RocketROCKET: Exceptionally fast and accurate time series classification using random convolutional kernels
RandomaticEasily generate random strings like passwords, with simple options for specifying a length and for using patterns of numeric, alpha-numeric, alphabetical, special or custom characters. (the original "generate-password")
JnanoidA unique string ID generator for Java.
PandemoniumTypical random-related functions for JavaScript and TypeScript.
GeneratedataA powerful, feature-rich, random test data generator.
GofakeitRandom fake data generator written in go
LibchaosAdvanced library for randomization, hashing and statistical analysis (devoted to chaos machines). 🔬
Baba CoreMini-language for creating random text generators.
Stochasticdiffeq.jlSolvers for stochastic differential equations which connect with the scientific machine learning (SciML) ecosystem
FakedataHaskell Library for producing quality fake data
Rando PhpRandoPhp is a open source library that implements random generators (Integer, Char, Byte, Sequences, Boolean) and take random sample from arrays
Prob.jsGenerate random numbers from different probability distributions.
OctoA fuzzing library in JavaScript. ✨
RandomcolorJavascript module for generating random, distinguishable, pleasing colors (ie: for chart series).
Birdseed🐦 🎲 Use Twitter's Search API to get random numbers
Spicy ProtonGenerate a random English adjective-noun word pair in Ruby
Random WordThis is a simple python package to generate random english words
RandomGenerate random strings or numeric values
PgenCommand-line passphrase generator
Easy RandomThe simple, stupid random Java beans/records generator
Kirby3 AutoidAutomatic unique ID for Pages, Files and Structures including performant helpers to retrieve them. Bonus: Tiny-URL.
Troschuetz.randomFully managed library providing various random number generators and distributions.
RandomdatageneratorThis is a configurable generator to create random data like Lorum Ipsum Text, Words, Text Patterns, First/Last Names, MAC-Addresses, IP-Addresses, Guids and DateTime.
Wyhash Rswyhash fast portable non-cryptographic hashing algorithm and random number generator in Rust
Minecraft RandomiserResource pack and data pack randomiser to shuffle textures, sounds, loot tables, recipes, and more
RasusaRandomly subsample sequencing reads to a specified coverage
Session TokenSecure, efficient, simple random session token generation
Randomix🎲 An open source app to choose randomly between numbers, answers, options and so on.
Rando.jsThe world's easiest, most powerful random function.
ChancejsChance - Random generator helper for JavaScript
Kanye.rest🌊 A free REST API for random Kanye West quotes (Kanye as a Service)
StuffzBasically a script thrift shop
RandomRandom for modern C++ with convenient API
User AgentsA JavaScript library for generating random user agents with data that's updated daily.