All Programming Languages → RobotFramework

Top 109 RobotFramework open source projects

52. robotframework-browser
Robot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright.
53. ng2-camp-example
No description, website, or topics provided.
54. robotframework-mqttlibrary
MQTT Keyword Library for Robot Framework
55. hex-example
Little API to demonstrate various microservice design principles and technologies
56. helm-acr
Alibaba Cloud's Helm plugin to push chart package to ChartMuseum.
58. TestArchiver
Tools for serialising test results to SQL database
DEPRECATED The goal of is to provide an even easier way to theme Plone by creating managing toolbar inside iframe.
60. robotframework-debuglibrary
A debug library for RobotFramework, which can be used as an interactive shell(REPL) also.
61. testbed
With this testbed, it is possible to run a full OSISM installation, the baseline of the Sovereign Cloud Stack, on an existing OpenStack environment such as City Cloud or Open Telekom Cloud.
General commenting system for Plone content
63. guest3
No description or website provided.
64. plonesocial.suite
ACHIVED - USE PLONEINTRANET. Pre-integrated social business suite of packages for Plone
68. MavenPlugin
Maven plugin for using the Robot Framework
70. node-robotremoteserver
A node.js module providing the robot framework remote library interface
71. robotframework-seleniumtestability
Extension for SeleniumLibrary that provides manual and automatic waiting for asyncronous events like fetch, xhr, etc.
72. JavalibCore
Base for implementing Java test libraries to be used with Robot Framework
73. plark ai public
Montvieux has developed “The hunting of the PLARK” Artificial Intelligence (AI) testbed to support a Hackathon activity at the Alan Turing Institute (ATI). The testbed is very flexible and will support both short term exercises in the Hackathon and provide a basis for more extensive, long-term, and cutting edge research. The test bed can be used…
74. distbot
Distributed/parallel execution of Robot Framework test suites using multiple docker containers
75. openerp travel
OpenERP solution to manage Sales, Products, Prices and Accounting in Travel Industry
76. WatchUI
Visual testing library for Robot Framework
77. robotframework-pageobjectlibrary
Lightweight keyword library for implementing the PageObject pattern in Robot Framework
78. collective.solr
Solr search engine integration for Plone
79. collective.cover
A sane, working, editor-friendly way of creating front pages and other composite pages. Working now, for mere mortals.
80. robotframework-selenium
Alpine based standalone robotframework-selenium-browsers
81. LibraryApiExamples
Executable examples demonstrating Robot Framework test library API.
82. IntroSlides
Robot Framework Introduction slide set
83. OutboundFundsModule
The Outbound Funds app is a community developed and maintained Open Source Commons project. It is a customizable foundation for managing funds awarded by your organization, like grants, scholarships or internal funding.
84. 2FAuth
A Web app to manage your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) accounts and generate their security codes
85. jyve
Jupyer Kernels, right inside JupyterLab
87. autohat
balenaCloud end-to-end tests (autohat).
88. vic-ui
vSphere Integrated Containers Plug-In for vSphere Client provides information about your VIC setup and allows you to deploy VCHs directly from the vSphere Client.
89. eutester
Automated Test Framework for Eucalyptus
90. SSHLibrary
Robot Framework test library for SSH and SFTP
91. em-odp
Event Machine (EM) on Open Data Plane (ODP): em-odp
Dexterity-based content types for Plone
93. robotframework-extendedselenium2library
Extended Selenium2 (WebDriver) web testing library for Robot Framework with AngularJS support
95. fhir-bridge
FHIR Bridge acts as a broker between an HL7 FHIR client and an openEHR server.
96. robotframework-pageobjects
Implementation of the Page Object pattern with Robot Framework and selenium. Also facilitates page object pattern independent of Robot Framework
99. bdd-frameworks-compare
BDD 框架对比: Cucumber.js vs Robot Framework vs Gauge.js
51-100 of 109 RobotFramework projects